Chaper 13: Charles Thorn With...

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Two days later.


Diego turned his attention to the monitor airing a graphic reading "Charles Thorn With..." in red text overlaid on a black background.  He adjusted the volume to hear the empty, pulsing theme music. From the black background a light emerged, exposing a simplistic stage set, consisting of a large, round, wooden table, virtually empty save for two mugs, set nearly a meter and a half apart on the far side of the table, and some papers placed in front of one of two gentlemen seated on the set.

One of the gentlemen, Charles Thorn, was a white male, late fifties, with medium length graying brown hair combed to the side.  A long face and a gray suit covering his thin frame gave away his height. 

The other gentleman was a Hispanic male, late-twenties, with close cropped black hair and long sideburns forming into a beard, sans moustache. He wore a button up t-shirt with a collar and tie, a glasses case rested in his front pocket.  This was Milo San Jiancomo, Charles' first guest, whom Deigo met minutes before in the green room.

As the music faded, Milo leaned on the desk, and Charles straightened his papers.

The graphic disappeared.

A girl with a powder puff and a small tray of make-up arrived to work on Diego as Charles started to speak.  His voice had the commanding tone of a veteran radio broadcaster, well poised, steady, and clearly enunciated.

"Good evening.  A look tonight at President Weever's announcement from Spain yesterday, and what it means not only to the residents of Quarter City, but to Americans everywhere, along with a look into Quarter City and how its relationship with Enhanced compares to other major metropolitan areas.

"Tonight to help me explore these topics is novelist, filmmaker, activist, historian, and citizen of Quarter City, Milo San Jiancomo.  And later we will have a rare interview with Diego Luminitza, construction and technology magnate, founder of Debacle Limited, and creator of the Box.

"Milo, welcome."                                                                                               

When Milo spoke, it was as Diego noted earlier: rapid-fire, and slightly whiny, but passionate.

"Thank you, Charles.  I met Mr. Luminitza in the back room.  Very cool."

Charles laughed, and backstage Diego smiled, disturbing the make-up process.  The artist became stern with him, gripping his chin to dab at his forehead some more.

"Yes, I'm very excited to speak with him.  Now, Milo, where we must start is with the announcement tonight and what it means.  But first we'll refresh ourselves with a look from Spain...."

The tape cued.  Pictured on the monitor was what appeared to be a ballroom, with a cheap looking desk set in front of a wall where an American flag hung.  Sitting behind the desk was a white male, mid-forties, dark set brow with short blond hair.  He was wearing formal attire, and his eyes appeared weary.  President Daniel Weever didn't look to be having a good day.

When President Weever spoke, no hint of his apparent fatigue was present.  He was commanding, cocksure, but also compassionate.

"My fellow Americans.  A situation has occurred in the past twenty-four hours which cannot be ignored.  This situation was not expected, and was not foreseen, if only for the fact that we, as humans, place our trust in those who appear to have our best interest at heart.     

"For centuries, there have been those walking among us that possess and exhibit abilities far beyond most of us to comprehend, never mind relate to.  Genetically, they all appear to be the same as us, however in some cases physically, in others mentally, and in a few cases, both, they are enhanced without reason.  As a country, and a planet, we have allowed these enhanced individuals to be free with their abilities, and contribute to society in whatever manner they wish, whether it be with their enhancements or not.  In many cases we even allow them to act on regular society's behalf, to enforce our laws and act as watchdogs for our well-being. 

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