Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Hurry up, guys. Nobody's leaving until were done with these materials." Lawrence's announcement was met with groans from Jennifer, Jesse, and Caleb.

"Your murmurs won't make me change my mind." Lawrence's phone rang. He excused himself to take the call.

Caroline was exhausted. It was closing time already, but Lawrence didn't seem as though he'll release them anytime soon. She looked at the number of materials left to be cut. Their estimated number wasn't encouraging and she needed to catch up with Isaac before he left. She knew there was the tendency for Isaac to forget the ride he promised, being that he was a busy man. That'll leave her with no option but to take the risk of boarding a cab this night. Caroline didn't want that, so she hurried with what she was doing, silently praying for something to delay Isaac. She was grateful for the straight-line cutting machines which made their work easier and faster. Everyone hurried to cut the remaining materials and in no time, they could measure much progress. Caroline just had two more skirts to cut. She looked up to see how far the rest of them had gone. She observed as Jennifer, Caleb, and Jesse carefully cut their materials, just as Lawrence had instructed them. But Sandra, on the other hand, cut them carelessly. Placing the cutting knife inside the markings rather than outside, she cut them just anyhow.

"Sandra," Caroline politely said. "you're supposed to place the knife outside the markings, not inside. If you place it inside, the skirt is going to be smaller than the actual measurement."

"Who do you think you are to tell me what to do?" Sandra snapped. "I had been working here two months before you set foot in this place. So, you can't tell me what to do. I know what I'm doing."

Jennifer turned to look at the pieces Sandra was cutting.

"I didn't mean to be bossy," Caroline tried to be calm. "but the way you're cutting those pieces isn't the way Lawrence instructed."

"Why do you always feel like you're better than everyone?" Sandra yelled, causing other people in the room to look in their direction. "Because you talk to Mr. Luke you feel on top of the world like you've arrived and the rest of us are inferior to you."

Caroline was confused. What had Mr. Luke got to do with what they were discussing?

"Sandra, Caroline's right," Jennifer said. "You're placing the knife inside the markings instead of outside. You're supposed to create some allowance."

"I just knew you were going to take her side." Sandra hissed. "That's what you always do."

"Sandra, calm down." Caleb looked irritated. "Everyone's looking here because of you."

"Am I the only one shouting here? Wasn't Caroline also shouting? But it's only me you can talk to because you're also taking Caroline's side."

"I wasn't shou­—"

"That's what the three of you always do. You all act like zombies. It's like she's the queen and the three of you are her minions."

"Shut up, Sandra!" Jesse looked ready to explode.

"Why can't you just swallow your pride for once and take correction?" Jennifer glared at her.

"What's going on here?" Lawrence asked. He'd just returned from wherever he'd gone.

"Sandra has been cutting inside the markings instead of outside." Jennifer snitched without thinking twice.

"Let me see." Lawrence inspected some of the pieces Sandra had cut. Disappointed, he turned to Sandra. "I thought I emphasized that you cut outside the markings?"

Sandra's eyes teared up and she began running outside the room.

"Sandra!" Lawrence's angry tone was intimidating. "Stop right there."

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