Spirit work: How To Find Your Spirit Guides

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Your spirit guides are very powerful entities that have been watching over you, and are ever present in your life even, if you do not have a relationship with them yet. These beings are specifically connected to you, because you chose each other before you were even born into this incarnation. Everyone has a spirit guide, and a guardian angel. Finding them, and learning how to interact, and communicate with them can greatly improve every single facet of your life through the simple act of their presence. Some people may find it hard to find their spirit guides, others will find it very easy, it all depends on if you are ready to know them, or not. There are many ways to go about finding your spirit guides, if you are ready to go searching for them. Any of these methods am about to share with you can help you find them, but it is also important to use your insight, and introspection to verify your experiences.

Things that can help you find your spirit guides:

* Just knowing that they exist:

Just to the act of simply acknowledging that they exist will allow you to start building a connection with them. You will start to see their influences in the world, and all of the things that they do for you, that you might not have been previously aware of. Allowing for you to meet them, and to get to know them not through a direct meeting, but through there actions in your life.

* Asking them to appear, and to be ever-present:

This will show them that you are ready to have them in your life. Just like the previous method, it will open you up to experience what they do in your life already. After you ask them to be more present in your life, you should look out for signs of them acting in your life.

* Meditation:

Through the act of meditation one can find their spirit guides by using their spiritual senses to perceive them. To do this all you will really need to do it enter a meditative state, open your third eye, and call to them. They should come to you, and show you their presence, and once they do you guys can begin your communication, and learning of each other. This meeting is most likely going to happen in your sacred space, or astral temple, and is going to rely heavily on your sixth sense's ability to pick up spiritual constructs.

* Divination:

Divination can be a very useful tool when trying to communicate with anything so why not your Spirit guides. All you need to do is get some form of divination method of your choice, and ask your spirit guides to answer through it. Then simply begin asking questions to it as normal, and they will answer through the act of your divination tools. This will allow you to communicate with them, and get to know them better. This is a very good method, especially when you can not get into a meditative state, or when you do not have a complete grasp of using your sixth sense abilities.

* Dream:

If you know how to lucid dream, you can always call out for them in your dreams and they will appear to you there. If you cannot lucid dream, you can always ask your spirit guides to appear to you in your dreams before you go to bed, and they may come to you and your dreams. That's all there really is to it.

* Astral projection:

Astral projection can be quite helpful, when trying to communicate with any entity this also includes your spirit guides. all you have to do is astral projecting and you will be able to find your Spirit guides on the astral plane and communicate with them.

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