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So so so sorry to the twelve viewers that read this that it took me so long to write another part.
🐶🐶🐶Patton's POV🐶🐶🐶
I have tears in my eyes as I drive Amy back from her doctors appointment. She has cancer. I pull up to the house we get out and go inside. Amy goes to the bathroom as I call Logan. "Logan I need to ask a huge favor of you." Patton started their conversation. "You can ask me anything Pat." Logan responded. "Can you keep Virgil for a few days I'll drop of some of his stuff. Amy tested positive." Patton told him barely able to keep from crying. Logan frowned "Of course I'll keep him longer. You two focus on yourselves." "Thank you lo." "Anytime Patton." Logan hung up the phone.

👓👓👓Logan's POV👓👓👓
I looked at Virgil and Roman whom sat in their highchairs eating cereal. "Virgil. How would you like to stay with Roman and I for a few days?" Logan asked the boy sitting next to his son. Virgil smiles and nodded his head "Yay!".
Roman looked at his father and smiled while clapping his hands. I picked up the boys and took them to there play pen. Why is it called a play pen? Animals are put in pens. Were the people that invented it suggesting that children are animals that need to be contained? Logan added that to his list of things to research before he went to bed.

~~~Time Skip Brought to you by Barry B. Benson~~~

👓👓👓Logan's POV👓👓👓
Patton had dropped off a bag of Virgil's belongings. I could tell he was hurting so I gave him a quick hug before he left. I can't recall giving anyone a hug except Roman and Luka, I don't care for sentiment.

After feeding the boys I laid them down for bed. I have to admit they are adorable as soon as I set them down they cuddled up with each other. Patton and I have an ongoing bet of how old they will be when one of them confesses there feelings. I walk to my room and lay down in bed on my side table is a picture of Luka and Roman. I don't miss her as much as I thought I would. I turn into my other side and fall asleep.

🌻🌻🌻Foot Note Thingy🌻🌻🌻
•I've created a new segment of this story that I like to call thoughts with Logan so when you see italics in Logan's POV prepare for some weird or sad shit.

Word Count:426
Have a wonderful day princes, princess and non-binary royalty❤️

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