Chapter 2

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Sol picked up a rock and threw it towards the bottom of the waterfall but it didn’t penetrate the curtain of water. Dia tried, but her rock was to slow and too high. This went on for a while. It was Sol who finally cracked it. He managed to throw it at exactly the right time and place with the right speed. They tried it a few more times with different sizes to make sure and then decided to go in.

          “Well, there’s no turning back now,” said Sol. “Are you sure you are ready for this Dia?”

          “Absolutely, let’s go,” replied Dia.

          Together, they jumped in through the curtain of water. They were soaked to the bone and tried to dry off at first. Then, they realized that someone else was there with them.

          “Greetings, I am Hestia,” said the woman that was sitting in front of them.

          “Hello, I am Sol and this is my friend Dia,” said Sol.

          “Yes, I know,” started Hestia. “You, Sol, are here to heal your sister Luna. And Dia, you are here to find out about your family. Here is the medicine for your sister, it’s called the Never-End. Don’t give her all of it. Just apply a tiny bit onto her forehead and tell her to drink a bit. Save it for later because you will need it. And you Dia, take this salve, it’s a spin-off of the Never-End. Apply it to your eyelids and you will find out everything that you will ever need to know. If you are ever in need of answers, just apply this to your eyelids.”

          Hestia held each item in her hands. Sol and Dia reached out and took it. Then, Sol remembered the note. He put away the Never-End and took out the note to open it. As he did so, the whole room filled up with light. Sol read aloud the note:

Dear sister Hestia,

I have sent this note with this person here because I believe that he is capable of the prophecy. Please, do not hide it anymore. Also, you must free yourself from these confines. This boy shall help you. Please dear Hestia, tell him to take you with him, that is all you need to do and you will be free.

                                                          Sincerely, you’re loving sister Demeter

          “Ah, typical Demeter,” said Hestia. “Guess I can’t help it. But first, I must warn you that the Never-End and the salve are both dangerous. Do not get carried away with it. Do you understand?”

          “Yes, very much,” they both replied.

          “Now I’m pretty sure you’re wondering what this note is for. Well you see, I’m 15,763 years old and at the age of 27, I was locked up in here,” started Hestia. “The gods thought that my power was too great to run free in the mortal world so they hid me away in here. However, it came with a price. If someone found me, then I would have to grant their wish, whether it be good or bad. The Cold War, the Ice Age, and more were all the causes of wishes granted by me even though I didn’t want to. I’ve always wanted to be free but no one was ever brave enough to help me. They thought that they would be cursed for eternity.”

          “No matter what the consequences are, I will help you,” said Sol. “You have helped me and now it’s my duty to help you. Are you in Dia?”

          “Of course I am,” said Dia. “I couldn’t have said no even if I wanted to. My pride and my clan won’t allow it.”

          “What do we have to do?” asked Sol.

          “If you say so, but I am warning you one more time, please leave,” said Hestia.

          “No. We are going to help you,” replied Dia.

          “Well in that case, all you have to do is break the shrine over there into 3 pieces and throw them from the top of the cliff,” said Hestia. “Then you have to come back and invite me on your journey.”

“Well then, let’s get going Dia,” said Sol.

“And use the opening behind me, it’s easier,” said Hestia.

          Sol picked up the shrine and started on his way. Dia followed behind. They started climbing the cliff. Once, the shrine was about to fall but Dia managed to catch it in time. When they reached the top, they tried to think of ways to break it. They couldn’t just drop it on the floor because they weren’t sure if it would break into exactly three pieces.

          “What do we do now?” asked Sol.

          “Maybe you should read the rest of the note,” said Dia.

          “The rest of the note?” asked Sol taking out the note.

          “Check the back,” answered Dia.

          “Oh wow, I didn’t see that.”

          “What does it say?”

          “It tells to turn the shrine around so that the back is facing us and then pour water onto the middle. That’s it.”

          Dia pulled out a canteen of water while Sol turned the shrine. They poured water on the back and suddenly, cracks started appearing. It broke into thirds and Sol and Dia picked them up. They threw it over the edge and went back down. When they arrived, they saw the Hestia was glowing.

          “What’s happening?” asked Sol.

          “The gods have realized their mistake. They are taking my sister and me to join them,” said Hestia calmly.

          Sol and Dia watched silently. After it ended, they went to Sol’s hut. They went to find Estrella running outside, crying.

          “Sol!” exclaimed Estrella. “Come quick! Fast!”

          Sol and Dia ran towards the hut.

          “What happened?” asked Sol.

          “Your sister, she’s not well,” said Estrella in between sobs. “She started coughing up blood and her eyes, they’re turning a deep red, as if the blood is filling up her eyes. She’s quaking and she’s cold as a mountain top for a bit and then the temperature changes and becomes hot as lava.”

          “I hope I’m not too late,” said Sol running towards Luna.

          He quickly took out the Never-End and applied it to Luna. For a while, nothing happened. Sol was starting to think that he was cheated by Hestia. Suddenly, her temperature went back to normal, her eyes lost the red shade, and she stopped coughing. Then, Luna woke up.

          “Brother!” cried Luna. “I know everything, the Never-End, Hestia, everything. I had a dream about it.”

          “Welcome back, Luna,” said Hestia.

          “Dia!” exclaimed Luna. “It’s been so long! And how could you kill your own aunt and uncle?”

          After words were exchanged, they all decided that Dia would stay with them for as long as she wanted. Dia used the salve and found that her parents were killed by her aunt and uncle. Luna finally agreed that what she did was alright in this case and they all lived together. Sol, Luna, and Dia decided that they would hide the Never-End and the salve in a place that only they and Estrella knew of. However, they forgot all about the warning that Hestia gave them. One child found it and applied it and he died so they drowned the medicine and salve. Then one day, Luna’s illness resurfaced this time in Dia and Sol as well. With the medicine drowned, there was no way to save them. They died but Estrella lived on telling their story and passing it on.

          It is said that if you can find the place where Sol and Dia met Hestia, then you might be able to find the Never-End and the salve and you can hear Luna, Sol, and Dia warning people to drop it back in the water and leave.

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