1. Ekaterinburg.

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I turned away from the coffee stand latte in one hand , change in the other; when a mother bumps into my side with her bag . My latte is now one with my sweater and my coins scattered on the floor. I force a smile as the mother apologizes profusely. One of her two daughters tugging on her jacket sleeve points at the window. " Look mommy the plane is going to fly!" The kind lady offered to buy me a new coffee but i declined. I looked down at what was left in my cup. Still half a cup, that would have to do. I took a sip and then gazed up at the signs over head. "Gate 27" I thought to myself. I was in the right terminal, but still hadnt seen my gate. After what felt like three miles i finally found 27.

It felt great to be back in Russia, especially after a year like this one. Moscow's Sheremetevo airport was as beautiful as ever , christmas decorations hung all around and the warm smells of food and coffee everywhere. The little kiosks were on every corner, and the airport bars were all crowded with holiday travelers. The teleprompter hanging above the large window pane glowed orange, the numbers ever changing. I read for about twenty minutes before boarding began. I was reading this book i had picked up before i left America, it was a mystery where this little girl was kidnapped and her parents were frantically searching for her. It had gotten rather boring in the middle, i had to force myself to go back and re-read pages after realizing that i hadnt been paying attention. Waste of money really, but its not like i could bring a library book with me.

About an hour after we boarded we were served breakfast, after tea and coffee service. I had completley lost track of how many caffinated beverages I had consumed in the last 24 hours. In order to survive the ten hour flight here, I drank copius amounts of coffee so sleep was out of the question. I decided on a movie and settled in. " Thank god this is a short flight."

I was welcomed by the musty smell that i love so much as i walked out onto the train platform in ekaterinburg. Smells like home. Then i see them running to greet me. My cousins and my grandmother are here to acompany me home. My older cousin Vlad takes my heavy suitcase and I'm relived to be rid of it. Hugs are exchanged and we all board the train together. We have an eight hour ride ahead of us. MY grandmother noticed the coffee stain on my sweater and asks me why im wearing dirty clothes. Yup. I'm home.

"Valeria wake up!" I feel an elbow in my side . "It's time to eat my slatkaya" ( loving term which means my sweet) my cousin had spread a cloth on my suit case to use as a makeshift table. They brought cookies and kielbasa and little open faced sandwiches. I was exhausted from my flights and starving too. "i love you guys" i smiled from ear to ear. We dug in and after we were done we played cards till sundown. Just as i was about to play my jack of spades , the slam of doors was heard and seconds later two gunshots. The train car exploded into chaos and screaming. People had no where to escape to as the train was still moving. Then the sliding doors behind me opened , and a man holding a gun appeared. He was tall and frightening. I could tell he was young, maybe 25? He had dark hair and dark eyes. He was the only one in the train car without a frightened look on his face. He was in complete control. The train skidded to a stop. " Everyone stand" he commanded in russian. " Now all of you exit to the right." He looks over in my direction. His eyes catch mine, and I quickly avert my gaze. I couldn't stand to look at him, the fear I felt was searing. I could feel his gaze as I stood to exit . "Except for you," he said quietly. I pretend not to hear him and pray to God he lets me pass. I suddenly feel an arm around my waist pulling me back, I feel his arm cutting into my ribs sharply. He pulls me to his chest, as I gasp for air. I struggle to breathe as he whispers into my ear, " You can stay". It was phrased as an invitation, but we both knew that I would have no choice in the matter. His left arm around my waist and a gun poised and ready in the other hand. Vlad turned around and saw me standing there behind him. His face dropped and he started shouting, "Let go of her you bastard!" Various other savory words were spilt but my head was reeling. The man pointed his gun in Vlad's direction and suddenly men appeared grabbing Vlad by the arms pulling him off the train platform. The last words I heard from Vlad were " I'll find you!" The doors closed and train began moving again abruptly, almost throwing me to the ground were it not for this big man's hold on me. In his arms I quickly realized the strength in his grip, and how weak I was in comparison. At 5.8" I was not short, but this man must have been a foot taller than me . I wriggled and writhed trying to loosen his grip but to no avail. With my dark curly hair and bright green eyes I had never been one to blend in , in a crowd. I was all legs and always the type to be in control. But now I found myself frozen with fear, a shell of a girl. Within minutes I had become a silent helpless mouse. I had to think! What could I do to free myself? I didn't dare speak a word to my captor. I can feel his every breath, and when he finally lets go of me I stagger forward. I turn around to face him.

"Shit!" I curse inwardly as he tilts the gun in my direction. "You" a shudder runs down my back as I feel the cold hard gun pressed to my spine. "Walk." I walk down the aisle, my head hanging low. Whatever thoughts of escape I had vanished as soon as I saw him bark orders to the men behind us. There were more men than I could imagine, and all were practically built of muscle.  I heaved a sigh and resolved to face my fate , whatever it would be. I'm captured. No way out now.

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