Don't End Your Life

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I had a bad night trying to sleep at home            

 I prayed to God that I could just be left alone

Wake up in the morning wishing I had a back bone

I went to school and these mean girls wouldn't leave me alone

So I was thinking who loves me anyway?

Because if they did they would take this pain away

So after school as I am walking home I tell God that they wouldn't leave me alone

I wraped a rope up around my neck

Before I knew the ambulance was standing at my neck

He took me down and said are you ok

I was thinking dang I almost took my life away

After that I went strait to bed thinking in my head how it would feel to be dead

When I went to school the next day I told those mean girs hey leave me alone today is not my day 

What you are is a bully who be's mean to people because you have no other way

After school I had to go to counseling because I was about to end it all because I thought there was no other way

I learned don't end it because it's not worth it instead pray to the lord and ask him to work with it

What  was I thinking about ending it all no more friends and no more mall 

Could I really end it by choking out my neck 

Instead I learned to live and do what's best

Know I am making insperational messages so they won't have to deal with death

Please death is not the solution. You can make it through life. I haven't comited suicide it's just a insperational message! LOVE YOU guys bye!!!!!!:):):):):)<3<3<3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2014 ⏰

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