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I'm going to ask you a question that's for you 'ask us' because it wont let me send it to you on your book so here goes. this ones for Niall, whats some advice you would give someone that is going throw depression and self harming?

My advice t those who are self harming, feeling suicidal is things get better, ye it sucks and ye it hurts but whatever the reason is for you t be hurting or suicidal is going t get better, bad things turn into good things. It's like a RollerCoaster the ups - are the happy good things. The downs- the bad things. The straightaways- it's not good or bad but it's just okay. Just think of life as a RollerCoaster, things do get better. It'll take time and I love all of you, even if you self-harm or are suicidal.

xx Niall

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