The Ball

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As the town car sped down the streets of New York Blair could feel the nerves bubbling away in her stomach. She gazed out of the window and watched the bright lights of the city fly past her, the lights always reminded her of home. The car passed Central Park, Blair sighed, remembering going there as a child to feed the ducks with her Mother and Father and in that moment she had never been surer that this is where she belonged.

She pulled out her phone from her bag and saw 5 new text messages from Katie asking for an update. Smiling she quickly texted Katie and promised she would call her in the morning. Just as Blair was putting her phone away the car came to a stop.

"We're here, Miss Blair" Vanya said, turning in his seat to face her. Blair gulped and tried to slow her breathing. "Now, you remember," Vanya smiled, "have fun!".

"Thank you, Vanya" Blair said, smiling weakly, she watched as he got out and walked around to open the town car door for her. As the door opened, flashing lights hit Blair like a truck, she squinted against the sudden onslaught and tried to focus on not falling out of the car. Vanya helped her get out and the flashing stopped as soon as the paparazzi realised, she wasn't a famous celebrity. She could hear some murmuring as people asked each other if they knew who she was.

Thinking it was probably best to start moving, rather than standing here next to the car door like a lemon, Blair walked forwards. Down the red, velvet carpet that stretched up the steps of the Met as if they were steps to heaven. At the top of the steps golden doors waited, open, showing fantastical glimpses of inside, she could just about make out a Christmas tree decorated in red and gold. Rope lined either side of the carpet where various news outlets and paparazzi stood, waiting for the next daring outfit worn by the wife of a billionaire to appear. Blair made her way up the stairs quietly, head down, focusing on tripping.    

Finally she made it to the top, she could hear the classical music wafting out from inside and saw a full orchestra playing in between some gargoyle statues with Santa hats on. Just as she was about to walk through the open doors a security guard, dressed in a black suit put a hand out to stop her, "Do you have an invitation, ma'am?" He asked.

Blair bit her lip nervously, the security guard was twice the size of her, "Erm, no, I was-"

"-Can you give me your name then, please?" The security guard asked, looking down at a clip board.

Blair felt panic rising in her chest, "Blair Waldorf," She said quickly, "a man asked me to come yesterday! I-"

"I'm sorry Miss," The security guard looked up from the clip board, "there is no Blair Waldorf on the list, I'm going to have to ask you to leave the premises-"

Blair looked at down to try and hide the frustrated tears welling up, of course this was going to happen! Why had she been stupid enough to think that something like this would ever work out for her?!

Just as she turned to go she heard a familiar voice.

"It's ok Dave, she's with me."

Blair looked up so quickly she nearly cricked her neck. There he was, stood in a black suit with a black bow tie, his chocolate eyes seemed to smirk at her as she felt her jaw drop. Closing her open mouth and trying to regain some dignity she watched as the security guard, Dave, regarded him for a moment. "Aren't you supposed to be-" Dave started but he was silenced as the mysterious man shook Dave's hand, "Change of plans." Was all he said as he removed his hand from Dave's.

He looked over to Blair and offered his arm, "Miss Waldorf?" He asked. Blair could swear she saw his lips twitch as if he was about to grin at her but stopped himself at the last moment.

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