If You're Going To Fall From Heaven

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If you're going to fall from Heaven,
Don't look back.
You're now within,
The Devil's grasp,
And your faith,
Is under attack.

If you're going to fall from Heaven,
Into the abyss,
You must walk alone.
A stranger in the darkness,
The realm of the unknown,
An ominous voice follows you,
And tells you things you did not know.
Was it all worth it?
This place doesn't have that heavenly glow.

If you're going to fall from Heaven,
Don't forget the harm,
That can come to you from the things
within this place,
The things you thought had charm.
As the lies surround you,
Don't forget the part,
Where you willingly came here.
After all,
Man is always after his own heart.

If you fell from Heaven,
Why is it that you came?
Was it for wealth, glory, or even shame?
When you left,
Did you fly or did you leap?
Did you smile or did you weep?

Now that you've fallen from Heaven,
Do you believe the lies?
Don't forget that even Lucifer,
Was in the presence of The Most High.
Do you feel lost,
As if there's no hope?
Do you fear that if you try to go back,
God will tell you, "No"?

Look back up to Heaven,
Let your face shine from the light
Of the Son.
Don't you know that he loves you?
You don't have to run.
It's you for which he came.

If you want to go back to Heaven,
All you have to do is proclaim his name.
Man is incomplete on his own,
Selfish, chasing after the things of
This world,
Forgetting that things of this world
Will not make him feel whole.
Neither love, nor greed, nor hate
Can give you what faith,
In God above can promise.
I speak from experience,
I, too, know the trauma
Of feeling weak, unworthy,
And in despair,
Because I, too, thought he wouldn't
Take me with him there.
However, instead he sent his son,
So that through him we can be saved,
And we don't have to fear the grave.
For through him,
The world isn't condemned,
But offered a second chance,
So even you can be with him.

Go back to Heaven,
Your father is waiting,
With open arms,
Your trespasses aren't staying.
Feel the warmth in his love,
The passion for life,
The glory of God above.
It is for you that Jesus died,
No sin can't be forgiven.
Can't you see the devil lied?
God will always call you his own,
And even when you stray,
You won't be far from home.
Unconditional is his love,
A covenant from the God above,
Not a contract,
But a promise,
Something that he will never take back.
You'll always be worthy in his eyes,
No matter what you've done,
Or how you feel,
Or the scares you try to hide.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2019 ⏰

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