Fancy As She Is

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I love her big eyes! It’s quite expressive!

She makes big things which are quite impressive.

She giggles like a princess in a never ending story.

Seeing her laugh has never been so much blurry.

When she talks, everyone listens.

When she makes ideas, everyone glistens.

Don’t mess up with her if she gets furious,

Her eyes obviously speak! So outrageous!

Fantastically fancy when she sits on her chair,

She isn’t doubtful to help! Coz she do always care.

She has so much potential but she have not noticed,

She is as well good confidante and an honest apprentice.

Time will set her fanciness to shine,

If she pursues her talent, she will able to reach my line.

It may not today nor tomorrow,

That girl will surely hit her dreams in just one arrow.

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