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Suicide is just words spoken between loved ones I've been too strong for too long And the saddest part about it is, theres no saving you and you don't know why. you say sorry but why for not being strong yet you've held on for this long. You say sorry to yourself, for giving up after so long. You have a blade running across you pale delicate skin. The icy water pouring down from the faucet. You apologise again, and your mother burst through the door screaming what have you done. blood pouring down the sink onto the floor your vision blurs as you mother tries to wrap towels around your wrist. its too late your gone black surrounds you. You fall into a black abyss of nothing. What now is this eternity or is it the after life.

Beep. Beep. Beep what is that you look around slowly realizing your eyes aren't open and when you do your surrounded by white on a uncomfortable mattress and you see the blade wasn't deep enough and people are there in the room looking worried with dark circles under there eyes. Scared to death they've lost you but they haven't and your here and loved. Don't give up! No matter how far you fall. For once you've hit rock bottom you start going up.

everyone feels like suicide at one point or another. Believe it or not, other people have problems the world is filled with terrors and things that should never be felt or seen but they are. The rest of the world also has problems and most times, they feel just like you, but they keep going. We all feel like that sometimes. Like there's nothing left to live for. But then I look at my dogs, my best friends, and my loved ones. If I was to go, it would affect all of them Deeply. So, I stay. Everyone should stay. I'm staying please join me on the boat of wanting to live. if you leave, it will hurt a lot of other people even if you think it wont. Please just stay. And you'll get through this avalanche of problems the sun will melt the cold away and happiness will raise you up. Don't make a permanent decision to a temporary problem. Don't let the epiphany come after your gone don't let yourself die with regret live life as you see fit but live please.

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