Ch9: When a Fleeting Mistake Ruins Everything

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Hina threw herself to bed. The girl didn't bother to hide the sky-blue guitar inside the wardrobe like usual. She felt so drained after that failed gig.

The thought of being caught faking their performance was still fresh on Hina's mind. The first minute went well, only to turn into a disaster when the pre-recorded sound abruptly went off.

Neither Mom nor Dad asked anything about Pastel✽Palettes' debut. Seemed like they already knew about her band's predicament, so they only told Hina to rest tonight... Which made her wonder whether the agency live-streamed their performance or maybe someone from the audience managed to record it and uploaded the footage to some video sharing platform.

If so, they didn't only deceive ten thousand people. It might be millions if their incident went viral.

That was quite an achievement for a bunch of inexperienced musicians. An awful one, though.

Hina didn't see her older twin on the way to the bedroom. Sayo might be practicing guitar as usual in the neighboring room. She could only hope that her big sister wouldn't happen to stumble upon any video or news related to Pastel✽Palettes...

The younger Hikawa twins let out a heavy sigh. The intention to play the guitar alongside her sister seemed so bleak now. Sayo, in no way, would be pleased to perform with a fake guitarist such as Hina. And as her thoughts were filled with Pastel✽Palettes' epic failed debut, she slowly went into slumber.

By the time the teenager awoke, she could hear chirpings. It usually came from the neighbor's pet bird. The girl rubbed her jade eyes and blinked a few times before she got up from the bed and took her phone.

Hina's stomach was rumbling. She could use a slice of bread to calm her hungry belly before soaking herself at the shower later.

By the time Hina entered the living room, she spotted Sayo sitting on the sofa. Both of their parents weren't around. It was Sunday, so they might be performing their routine to jog then shop for weekly groceries at the shopping street.

"Morning, Onee-chan." Hina yawned as she walked toward the kitchen.

Sayo didn't reply. Her gaze was fixated on the screen of her phone.

Hina shrugged. It was no breaking news that her older sister was generally unresponsive when it came to interacting with Hina. She took a slice of bread and put it into a toaster.

"What are you watching, Onee-chan?" Hina turned to Sayo again.

"Just some music videos," Sayo finally replied. She swiped her phone's screen and muttered, "A band that's faking their live performance, huh? ...And what's this idol band thing?"

Hina's heart sank. The video's thumbnail didn't show her face, right?

Sayo clicked her tongue. "What a disgrace."

The toaster went ding.

"O-onee-chan, don't play that video!" Hina approached the sofa in panic. "Their music is so not boppidy—I mean, so terrible that you're gonna faint if you hear it!"

Hina prayed frantically in the heart. She begged Jesus, Buddha, or whoever divine deities out there to forbid her older sister from watching that video at any cost.

"...Is that so?" Sayo was puzzled at Hina's exaggerated reaction. She swiped the screen to another section of the video-sharing app and said, "It's a waste of time to watch that kind of charade, anyway."

Hina felt bad to her bandmates for calling them a group of terrible musicians. She couldn't help it. Sayo would dislike her even more if she were caught faking guitar.

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