Just focus on me

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"I can't do this…," I muttered to myself.

I looked at the sea of people on the dance floor, and I could feel my stomach drop. I couldn't do this. What if I mess up!? What If I embarrass Tala!? 

It was a miracle I got her to go to prom in the first place...I know she'll want to dance too... My mind began to run away with me with hundreds of different possibilities. 

Then I felt a warm touch gently wrapping itself around my hand. Everything became still at that moment, the laughs, the cheers, the music. I slowly looked over, and as soon as I saw her face, the thoughts just vanished. 

Her smile melted the ice that had frozen me to the ground, and her eyes made my heart skip a beat. 

"Don't worry about anybody else, just focus on me," she said softly, giving me a toothy grin. 

She tugged me gently toward the dance floor, and I followed her lead. My eyes gazing upon her black chinese styled dress, and her short and silky black hair that seem to flutter without a care as she skipped onto the dance floor.

She quickly turned on her heels and grabbed my other hand and whisked me around. A huge smile was plastered onto her face and I couldn't help but smile back. We bumped into people left and right, and stumbled against each other. 

It was at that moment I met her amber eyes and I knew, I loved her.

It's crazy to think you can't dance around the room like you used to, that you can't yell at me to stop looking down. That your victorious voice can't rip through the room like a wild beast.

Its funny, even now as I'm staring down at your grave, I can still feel the warmth you left within me.

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