Chapter 19 Knowing

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            Alhamdulillah! Back at my ward, the doctor was waiting for me – smiling. I was to be discharged that morning! Mak was beside herself with happiness. She immediately became chirpier, which was no mean feat considering that she was already a chatterbox and as chirpy as can be – always. Abah was at work so rather than wait for him to come later, we decided to check out immediately. I watched Mak as she deftly folded my clothes, rounded up my personal belongings in the cabinet and even had time to empty the waste paper basket. She shooed me to change out of my ward clothes and I relented. I was surprised that she brought for me the pink shawl given by Zack.

            ‘Should have brought me my square tudung, Mak. It’s easier to put on than this shawl…’ I reproached her.

            ‘Oh! Is it? I didn’t know…I saw the nice colour and pick it out…come to think of it, I did not buy you this…where did you buy it? It’s lovely! You glow in it!’

            Despite myself, I was blushing.

            ‘Someone gave it to me.’


            I shook my head.

            Then she listed all my female friends that she knew of and frowned at my shaking of head. She really looked perplexed. Then she countered a little hesitatingly, ‘Zainal?’

I was laughing then. I shook my head again.

            ‘Don’t tell me…’

            ‘I won’t tell you then!’ I said cheekily. She huffed, obviously unhappy.

We were making our way towards the taxi stand when a sweet voice called out, ‘Hafeza!’

            I turned and smiled on seeing Aunty Sumaiyah looking tired but still elegant in her loose deep purple jubah and black shawl. She ran over to me and hugged me so tightly, the air was practically knocked out of me. She apologised profusely, then chided me.

            ‘Hafeza! Alhamdulillah you are discharged! Have you seen Irwan?’

            I nodded my head.

            ‘Have you said goodbye?’

            I shook my head slowly…goodbye?

            Mak looked at me. I tried to smile.

            ‘Kakak, come, come over and see Irwan first before going home?’ she said with hopeful, big, beautiful brown eyes.

            Mak laughed.

            ‘Okay, okay Sumaiyah!’

            Thus we found ourselves back at Zack’s ward. He was very surprised but smiled to see me. His father was also there, fussing over Zack, who did not seem to mind at all the attention he was getting from both his parents. As all five of us stood there, around Zack’s bed, it suddenly became uncomfortably silent and it was Aunty Sumaiyah who spoke first.

'We will be bringing Irwan back to London as soon as he is better.’

I looked up at Aunty Sumaiyah.

Comprehension dawned on me.

Zack was leaving.

'Please pray for us Kak Yam... Williams will put up at his uncle's place in Paddington while I and Zack will stay at our house...Oh! I have not been there for ages! It would be good to be back there – for memory sake. And besides, we have lots of cleaning up to do…'

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