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I am woken up by the sound of my alarm playing its usual obnoxious ring.

I groan and roll over to stop my alarm from making any additional noise. When I check the time my clock reads 5:30am,and I don't let myself rest any longer knowing that I have to attend school.I jet out of bed and grab my plain black bra and matching panties,walking sluggishly to my bathroom. I tiredly remove my sweatshirt,sports bra and spandex as my shower is running. I hop in the shower and take about 25 minuets before I get out.

When stepping out of the shower,I grab the towel that I have hanging on my towel rack and I dry myself off. After placing on my undergarments I open the door to my bathroom,leading me to my room where I begin my search for a nice outfit for school.

I first walk over to my iPod that is already plugged into its speaker,and I look for a good song to kick off my morning. After going through half of the songs on my iPod,and realizing that I don't like most of them but am too lazy to delete them,I decide to go with 'be like you' by Ed sheeran. I then walk over to my closet and look for a good outfit. After 2 minuets of searching I decided on light blue jeans,and a flowy black top that stopped just above the first button on my jeans. I threw my outfit on the bed and walked back into my bathroom to do my hair. I towel dried my still wet light brown hair and ran a brush through it. I never really straighten or curl my hair because I'm actually quite fond of its naturally straight,silky look that it has. My hair stops at my lower back but I honestly wish it were longer. My hair grows pretty long but my mom makes me cut it every summer,to about this length,maybe a little shorter.

As I finish getting dressed I hear my mother shout to me
"Melanie!! I'm leaving!"she yells to me like she usually does when she has to leave for work in the morning.
"Alright!" I shout back,hearing the front door shut before I can finish the word.

I pull on socks,one being green and the other being purple,followed by my black high tops.I then grab my backpack from by my door and head down stairs. I check my phone on the way and it's 6:32.When I reach the bottom of the stairs,I set my backpack down by the door and start walking to my baby sisters room. As I open the door to her room,she is sleeping quietly in her crib,I smile down at her. I then walk over to her light switch and switch it on,thankful that it's very dim so that it doesn't hurt her eyes when she opens them. I walk back over to her crib and start to gently run my hand over her hair. She nuzzles her head into my hand like usual and I pick her up into my arms,her eyes still closed.

I do that one bounce thing that I've seen most adults do to babies. I wait until she flutters her eyes open to say something to her. When she opens her eyes and blinks a few times I smile at how tired she looks.

"Good morning Sam" I say to her gently. My sister is 1 years old but she's very mature for her age. I guess it's kind of weird that my parents have a freshmen in high school but then have a 1 year old baby. And the idea that they just made a baby not too long ago grosses me out.

"Hmm" she let's out a sleepy mumble as I continue to hold her.

"Ready to go?" I ask,knowing I won't receive a quality answer. She says something that I'm assuming should have been a 'yes',and I carry her to the bathroom. I grab her pink hairbrush and lightly brush through her sloppy hair. For a 1 year old,her hair is really long but not long enough that it has to be cut. After brushing her hair,changing her,and washing her face and hands,I quickly dressed her and grabbed her bag of essentials. I then grab my backpack and head out of the door.

I walk to Austin's house,which is 1 house down from mine,and ring the door bell and wait patiently for someone to answer. I was greeted by the friendly smile of Michelle mahone,Austin's mom.

"Good morning Melanie,good morning Samantha!" She greeted my little sister and I.

"Morning momma" I replied. I've always called Michelle this,'momma' sometimes 'mama mahone' or just 'mom'. But I've never called Michelle 'mother',I usually call me real mom 'mother' or 'mom'. For some reason I feel like 'mother' is a lot more firm,a lot more official,so I call my mom this as a way of giving my mother,Monica, and Michelle different names. But over all I consider them both moms.

"Come in I'm just finishing breakfast" she says,turning and walking back into the kitchen where I assume she's finishing breakfast. I place Sami on the high chair and place her bag on the counter.

"Hey Mel" I turn and am greeted by my best friend Austin. He was wearing a plain black shirt and some jeans,red Jordan's and a SnapBack.

"Hey" I replied back.

"Hey Sam!" he says to her,picking her up into his arms. She doesn't reply to him but instead she uses her little fingers to search his face with her tiny hands.

"HEY SAM!" The boys,Alex,Robert,and Zach crowd her.

"Say hi Sami!" I say in my annoying baby voice. She doesn't reply like I expected but she just claps her hands together and let's out a cute high pitched giggle.Michelle smiles to herself while plating breakfast and I giggle at her.

Robert approaches me first. "Morning Mel" he says giving me a quick hug. The same action was followed by the rest of the boys.

"Morning guys" I say to them. The five of us have been best friends for a while now and we form our own little crew. The guys have this thing called the 'foolish four' which apparently has a no girl policy,which I'm ok with. A lot of people,including my parents, have wondered why I don't hang out with a group of girls instead of a group of guys,and honestly I don't know. I've tried to hang out with girls in the past but it just doesn't work. I guess it's because I get attached too easily,I care too much. And girl friends are so quick to stab you in the back,and spread gossip. I need loyalty,and so far out of all the friends I've tried to make,the crazy,loud,idiotic boys are the only people who have loved me unconditionally,so I stick with them.

"Alright guys,time to eat" Michelle gestures for us to sit. Austin puts Samantha back in her chair and sits in one of the chairs along with the rest of the boys,while I help Michelle poor orange juice into five cups. Michelle then walks over to Sami's bag and gets her food. While mama feeds Sami,we all eat our breakfast in comfortable silence.

By the time we all put our now empty dishes in the sink it's 7:28 and school starts at 8.

"So how r u guys liking high school so far?" Michelle tries to break the silence that was slowly becoming awkward.

"Way better than middle school" Austin replies cooly.

"Same" Robert adds "the work is a lot harder but the teachers aren't on your case as much". We all agree,answering honestly.

"Plus the girls are so much easier to get" Zach chimes,as Michelle scoldes him and we all laugh.

"Like you get girls anyway" Austin jokes and I turn my face hiding my chuckle. Zach just rolls his eyes at us.

"So do you have dance today?" Alex asks me. I have been in dance for practically my whole life. I was dancing before I could walk and it's just something that's natural for me. My parents aren't dancers or anything but my grandma was,and very successful at that. She told me some stories about how she was the first women in Puerto Rico to ever get a full dance scholarship,which only inspired me to become more serious about dance.

Dancing is something that you have to invest a lot of time and money into. But lucky for my parents I've been dancing off of scholarship after scholarship so the money that goes to dance is piling up. I received my first grant(offer) to L.A when I was 7 and from there I've been to several different places to perform for scouts and judges and I've been informed that theirs a scout on my tail at all times,following me to every major event determining whether I get a full ride to collage.

"No,it was cancelled" I answered Alex back."So I will be back to get Samantha" I added,this time directing it more to Michelle.

"Ok you guys should get a move on" Michelle said with a smile,her polite way of kicking us out.

"Bye mom" austin exclaimed,giving Michelle a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Bye momma" I said giving her a quick hug."Ser bueno nena" I gave Sam a kiss on the cheek before following the boys out of the door,heading to school.

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