Chapter 1

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Katrina's POV:
      So I'm running as fast as a normal person would because there are to many humans here . I keep running and running trying to find out where to switch my ticket because they gave me a ticket to Bollywood instead of Brazil which is pissing me off because how do you mix the two like are you that stupid.

         As I am running I slam into someone and it hurt like hell might I add. As I look up I see a guy about in his mid thirties with dark green eyes that just kind of suck you in I have never seen this shade of green before it's nice. He has on a white shirt with black pants on and has blond hair with some grey mixed in must have a little stressful life.

       Then out of no where he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder and runs into a janitors closet Maybe.

Owwwwww!!!  Dude what the fuck is your problem that hurt like a bitch

      What the fuck are you why can I smell witch but your a wolf I'm curious little wolf tell me about yourself right now or I'm going to have to kill you.

He scared me a lot but I don't show him but all I can say is I'm k k Katrina.

wow good job Katrina now he really knows how scared you are I think to myself.

      He speaks again Are you kidding me no what kind of supernatural are you
     That was sarcastic asshole I'm  a werewolf that's it.he started laughing in my face and says Ya right I can smell witch on you now I'm gonna ask one more time WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU AND DONT LIE TO ME!!

  I I promise I'm a werewolf please don't hurt me and just let me go I plead.

        He lets go of me finally and apologizes once he found out I was dead ass serious.He told me that he was a knight for the King and queen and apparently they lost there Daughter a long time ago and that's why he was at the airport ,he travels the world looking for her looking into clues and stuff. I asked him if I could go with him to the royal palace.  I want to see if I can find anything on my parents I mean you never know there might be a family tree I can find and connect some dots.

He said he would have to ask the King and queen so he stepped out to make a call.

         I sat there for what felt like forever but to be honest it was really just 20 minutes but still that's a long time and I am very antsy. The guy came back in and said they agreed to have me for a night or two and I got so excited.

        After he told me that I could go with him I asked for his name because i realized I never did so I found out his name is Xavier. Xavier and I walked off to a secret plane that was in hidden at the very back of the airport and we boarded the plane .

My life is finally gonna start.......

      When I settled in I realized how tired I was and before the plane even started moving my eyes started to get so heavy and before I know it I'm out like a light.

       I was shaken up because apparently I fell asleep so I woke up to Xavier shaking me up to tell me we had arrived. When I got off the plane I realized there was a huge castle in front of me.

       It was huge it was like ten mansions in one. The outside of it was a beautiful gold and silver theme. There was a huge garden in front of the castle leading to the front door and the huge steps you know kinda like the ones out side a court yard but all in all it was beautiful.I was about to take a step when I realized I was being handcuffed.....

Xavier's POV:(at the airport before he met Katrina)

         I was walking through an airport when a girl with nice long brown hair and dark brown eyes with a black out line and beautiful tan skin and long legs bumped into me.

         After I realized she had this strange scent, I throw her over my shoulder and take her into a janitors closet At least I think it's a janitors closet. I slam her into the wall because I smell witch on her but she seems to be a werewolf.

       She is pleding me telling me over and over again saying she is just a werewolf but I still don't believe her. I apologize and let her go. We talk for a little bit and I tell her that I am a knight for the King and queen.

      All of a sudden she asked me can I come with you. I am freaking out inside because I have to tell her no but my emotions get the best of me and say let me ask. I walked out to call the King and queen when I smelled another werewolf. I see a werewolf running towards me probably cause I'm on his land but whatever I'm a vampire and I can run faster.

      he lunges at me but doesn't shift because To many humans. I side step him and punch him in the gut and slam him on the floor and that knocks him out cold. I dragged him into a seat and put him down so no one notices. Then I call the King and queen they pick up after a couple rings


        Yes may I peak to the King and queen it's me xavier. They put me threw and I explain what happened and they say she can stay a couple nights.

      Thats when I thank them and walk back to the closet.  I tell her she can stay and she gets supper excited but then I feel this power radiate off of her and I feel like bowing but that's strange. I shrug it off and take her to the plane.
5 hours later......
       We have arrived and I shake her to wake up. As soon as she steps off the plane a guard handcuff  her just in case and takes her to her room.

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