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Harry insisted on carrying Louis to their flat as well, as soon as he parked the car outside their residence. Louis rolled his eyes but complied.
"You're such an Alpha." he muttered and Harry shot him a dimpled smile in return.

"It wasn't a compliment." Louis huffed.

"Sure it was." Harry smirked and carried the smaller boy inside.

He managed to unlock their front door with Louis still in his arms and he locked it behind them as he stepped inside and closed the door.
"You can put me down now, Haz." Louis mumbled, nose nuzzled in the crook of Harry's neck. He couldn't help but breathe in Harry's wonderful scent.

"Nope! Ehm, are you sniffing me, Lou?" Harry asked amused.

Louis blushed.
"No! Ehrm, well yeah, you smell nice." He mumbled embarrassed.

"Thanks. You do too!" Harry beamed and walked in the direction of Louis' bedroom.

He pushed the door open and walked up to the bed and put Louis down gently so he was sitting on the edge. He got down on his knees and started to take off his shoes and Louis watched him in amusement.
"Ehm, Harry? I can do that myself. I'm not a child."

"I'm taking care of you, Louis. Just let me." Harry chuckled.

Louis raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.

Harry got up and walked out.
"Don't move. I'll be right back."

Louis rolled his eyes but stayed put. He secretly liked this caring side of Harry. He didn't have to wait long for Harry's return. He came into the bedroom again with a glass of water, a bunch of movies, and painkillers. He handed Louis the glass and two pills without a word and Louis accepted and swallowed them down without saying anything. Harry walked over to Louis' closet and found a soft t-shirt.
"Arms up!" He demanded and Louis did as he was told with an eye roll.

Harry pulled his sweatshirt off and put the t-shirt on instead. Louis felt relieved. His body was hot from the fever and the t-shirt felt cool and smooth against his skin. Harry leaned down in an attempt to open his trousers and Louis pushed his hands away.
"Come on! I can do that."

Harry blushed and stood up again.
"Hrm, right. Sorry." He bit his lip and Louis thought he looked absolutely adorable.

Harry turned to the tv instead to pop in a DVD and Louis hurried to take off his trousers and got underneath the covers. Harry climbed into bed with him and laid down. He pulled Louis closer before he pressed start on the remote. Louis put his head on Harry's chest with a content sigh. Harry ran his fingers slowly through Louis' hair and it felt so good.

They laid in a comfortable silence for a while and watched the movie. Louis wasn't surprised at all that they were watching a romantic comedy, Pretty woman to be exact. Harry's hand had moved from Louis' hair down to his arm and he was drawing circles on his skin in a soothing way. The touch made Louis' skin form goosebumps and his body felt even warmer. Waves of heat flushed through him and his breath hitched.

"Are you cold, Lou?" Harry asked in a concerned voice.

"No." Louis mumbled and breathed in Harry's alluring scent. He felt himself becoming aroused and shifted uncomfortably.

Harry inhaled sharply and his whole body got stiff.
"Lou...you smell different."

Harry buried his nose in Louis' neck and took a sniff. He then let out a low growl and Louis whimpered from the sound that traveled directly to his crotch. His skin felt like it was on fire and he clutched Harry's t-shirt and tried to get closer, pressing his body against Harry's.

"It can't be...that's crazy!" Harry mumbled through gritted teeth and stared at Louis intensely.

Louis whimpered again and felt something wet start to form there.
"What's happening to me, Hazza?" He almost moaned.

Harry flew up from the bed and backed against the wall. He stared at Louis with big eyes.
"I...fuck! I can't be here."

"You can't leave me!" Louis' lip started to tremble.

"Louis! Listen to me!" Harry seemed to have a hard time talking. His eyes were fixated on Louis and he stared at him intensely with blown pupils. "You're going into heat. I need to leave."

Louis' eyes grew big.
"What? Omegas do that." His body was trembling with heat but he didn't want to believe it.

"Yeah, you're turning into an Omega, love. I'm sorry, I have to..." Harry's whole body was shaking and he had to muster all his willpower not to jump his best friend. Louis smelled amazing and Harry had never been so turned on in his entire life. He turned around to get out of the room, out of the apartment.

"Harry! I'm scared! Don't leave me! Please!" Louis shouted.

Harry growled but turned around to face him.
"Lou...I won't be able to control myself. You don't know what you're saying. If I stay I'm going to have sex with you. Do you understand me? You don't want that."

Louis let out a moan and Harry immediately took a step forward. His nails were digging into his palms and he bit the inside of his cheek until he could taste blood.

"No one else can see me like this. I need you. I want you, Harry! I know what I'm asking for and I understand if you don't want to. You.. you can go if you want to, I'll be fine." Louis' eyes teared up.

"Oh, Lou. You have no idea how much I want to but how will it affect our friendship?" Harry asked, licking his lips. His eyes never left Louis.

"It won't. You're just helping me out. I...I fuck! Harry!" The heat kicked in for real and Louis threw himself back in bed and started to palm himself, totally out of it.
"Please Harry...please Alpha. Aaaah!" He rambled and that was the last straw for Harry.

There was no way he was gonna leave now. Louis was begging for him and his own arousal was painful. He had to take care of the Omega. Instincts took over and he leaped forward with a growl.

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