Rules & Regulations

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If you have anymore suggestions for the rules, comment below! :)

1 - no killing each other, you may injure or hurt, but not fatally.

2 - minimal cussing, limit of 6 cuss words per post.

3 - you may create your own characters, tell us and we'll add it to the list.

4 - [paraphrased from ScriptOwly's profile] no "power players," meaning that you're not allowed to be all powerful and have no weaknesses. even in the stories, the characters have weakness. e.g., matt's an alcoholic, shadow's arch reactor is her heart, unity's family is all dead and she has post-traumatic stress disorder. YOU NEED A WEAKNESS, EVERYONE HAS THEM, YOU ARE NOT FREAKING INVINCIBLE.

5 - do not steal characters if they're already being potrayed by someone else.

6 - you can be in a relationship with any claimed character, just don't steal each other's partners.

7 - you can be more than one character, just make sure to differentiate from the different people. e.g. "Matt: I'd so love to shoot you through the eyesocket right now. Unity: Yeah, right Barton, you'd like to try."

8 - i don't care whether you do descriptive roleplay or the move + words roleplay. it's up to you, so do whatever you want to.

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