chapter 12 - 'The right fate'

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Hi welcome to this chapter, just so you know I do not own anything except the plot, you would be able to tell if I did. Thank you for reading

Warning: strong language, abuse, violence and (bad spelling, OOC characters) more

Alfred Pennyworth = immortal God (age unknown)

Bruce Wayne = 36

Dick Grayson = 21

Jason Todd = 19

Timothy Drake = 17

Damian Wayne Al Ghul = 15


Somewhere else far away a lady in all black and a hood was looking over the rail at some type of machine. A man ran up to the lady. "Miss it is nearly done, all we need now is the boy."

"Good" was all the woman said, every person in the area marched up behind the lady. She turned to face them and said "whoever can bring me my son will be rewarded by whatever you want."

This got everyone motivated. "Go!" that was it, every person except the woman and man from earlier.

"Why do you do this to your own son?" the man asked. "He is far more amazing at magic than me and if he was really my son he would have chosen me, not him." This stunned the man, she was going to use the boy to take over the world because he was more talented, and she just practically disowned him. Did she have any heart at all?

The only thing the man could think about after that on their very long walk was his two daughters. They were the only reason he was doing this. When he found out they were trying to take over the world he only thought of the blood it would bring. His daughters could get injured in the bloodbath. So he joined so he could keep his daughters away from the fighting as much as possible.

This machine was used to merge someone with magic to a stone called 'the right fate'. The better the person is with magic the more they can control the stone.

As the name of the stone says the stone is used to keep fate in line and on course. To merge with 'the right fate' would be to control fate and be able to change anything.

Then is the lady could merge her son and 'the right fate' then use her own special type of spell, it was a mixture of sound and enchantment magic to completely control someone. To control her son with 'the right fate' merged together she would be controlling fate to get what she wants, and that was the world to be hers.

Though it would be very hard, the machine was only stage one. There were more stages and then it would be done. The lady could only think of success even with all the trials. Not bothering to see the look on the man's face.

The machine was two pods connected together with some alien technology, the stone would go in one and the lady's son in the other.

The lady remembered something from when she was younger and her son was only five.

"Mother, Grandfather said he was going to, umm do something with my weird thing to help the, the, the big blue and green thing." Said her son as he ran to tell her the news.

"Your weird thing is your magic, and the big blue and green thing is earth." She said almost laughing.

"Well run along and go do some training understand?" "Yes mother!!!" he ran along to train. "IF YOU'RE GOOD I WILL HELP YOU LATTER!!!"She was going to talk to her father about what her son was talking about.

Those days were the ones she wished she could go back to, her adorable son loved her and she, him. That changed later when she realized what her father wanted to do to him. She knew if her father was going to do what he wanted to, even if he had to kill everyone on the earth to do it. She started to be more and more ruthless until she realized she did not care about him at all.

She breathed in and out, in and out. She had to do this, for her father, for her son. Even if it didn't seem like it.

"Let's do this." she said to herself. Trying to keep her cool because no matter what she said, she was scared. What if she had some of the stages wrong, what if she did something wrong, and what if her son resisted so much that it knocked her planning of course.

She had to make sure everything went perfect.

For not just herself. 


Thanks for reading and hope you read the next chapter (whenever that is). Update when I can 707 words

Damian - What have you been doing, you incompetent idiot 

A/N - First, what the heck are you doing out of the story, you were not even in this chapter

Damian - Yes I was

A/N - Second, watch  your language 

Damian - I don't see you saying that to Todd

A/N - Third, I have been busy unlike you 

Damian - I have been busy

A/n - Yeah, doing nothing 

Damian - No

A/n - Yes

Damian - No

A/n - Yeah

Damian - No

A/n - Yep

This is going to take a while so:

Goodbye guys, girls, and non-binary pals

Authy-chan is out  

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