Chapter 3: Training

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Tadayoshi: wake up, kid

Alex wakes up to find Tadayoshi sitting on her chair waiting for her

Alex: h-how long was I asleep?

Tadayoshi: you weren't that long, but we got work to do

Alex: work... what kind of work....

Tadayoshi: you will find out soon, get change and meet me outside

Alex: but... don't we have school?

Tadayoshi: it's the weekends kid, don't worry about it

Alex: ok....

Tadayoshi leaves out the room, as Alex changes into her clothes and heads downstairs

Alex quietly walks past her parents, who were eating and chatting to her brother on how successful he is

Father: you've done so well to get this far, don't disappoint me

Jason then notice Alex sneaking by as he squint his eyes

Jason: don't worry father.... I won't fail you... say sis, what are you doing come join with us!

Alex jumps a little as she turns at them

Alex: m-morning mom and dad...

Mother: how did you sleep

Jason: your looking well

Father: yeah, so I think you should be studying

Alex: but I-

Father: no buts, if you keep this up, I'm gonna throw you out of the house

Alex: ...yes father

She turns to leave upstairs

Tadayoshi: you coming kid

Alex turns to see Tadayoshi at the front door

Tadayoshi: I was still waiting for you

Father: who are you

Tadayoshi: I'm just a friend of hers

Mother: sorry, she can't come out and play, she has to

Tadayoshi: she and I planned to study together today

Mother oh...

Father: well then, go ahead Alex, you two study well

Tadayoshi: we will, come on kid

Alex: o-ok

Tadayoshi leaves out the door as Alex follows

They walk down the street for a few minutes

Alex: why did you have to lie?

Tadayoshi: hm?

Alex: n-nothing

Tadayoshi: tell me

Alex: but I-

Tadayoshi: you already say something, you can't take it back, tell me

Alex: w-why did you... have to lie to them...

Tadayoshi: it's either your stuck in your room studying, or me trying to help you

Alex: but... what are trying to help with today...

Tadayoshi: you are about to find out


Then soon arrive at an open area, with only some fake mannequin

Alex: w-what's this?

Tadayoshi tosses her a wooden sword

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