pleasure island

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The honest john and gidieon was in the red lobster inn okay said the coachman I want you to bring as much kids as you can as I will pay you yes sir said honest John. Meanwhile zoniks said shaggy it sure is scary yeah said scooby come on said scrappy we have to get pinocchio home as he googie and Jiminy raced down into town a cane grabbed pinocchio as pinocchio was running where are you going said honest john home said pinocchio shaggy and scooby ran away .do you want to come to pleasure island said honest john okay said pinocchio  what about you two pointing to shaggy and scooby I'm not sure said shaggy there is toys rides and food
Shaggy and scooby ran to honest john where is the place asks scooby we will take you said honest john hey said scrappy come back uncle scooby as googie carried scrappy and followed them and sneaked in . When they arrived close the doors and you saying to the robot man keep an eye out on the girl . Shaggy and scooby whated pizza but the server was the robot man no dogs allowed he said . Dog where he asked I think he is talking about you said shaggy as scooby giggled run he said as they ran with the robot man behind them .meanwhile let's split up said googie scrappy look for your uncle. Jiminy and I will look for pinocchio she said but shaggy and scooby ran past them as the robot man was coming run said googie as she and Jiminy ran separate ways scrappy stayed as grabbed his leg I got him he said .googie grabbed scrappy and ran the robot went after shaggy and scooby meanwhile pinocchio was at the pool place smoking weed and drinking beer come on shoot it said lampwick. Pinocchio was about hit the ball in but googie came pinocchio she said what do you think you're doing she said. having fun said pinocchio can we go home said scrappy sleepy who is the little dweeb said lampwick. Googie forgot she was a kid again I'm pinocchio's friend she said and the shrimp. He said hey said scrappy that's it come on he said put'em up as googie grabbed scrappy let's go she said you should be disappointed said Jiminy.  Come on guys have some fun pinocchio said.  Meanwhile shaggy and scooby lost the robot man phew said shaggy as they fell threw a trap door like where are we said shaggy as they saw donkeys and the coachman.  Rikes said scooby they turned them into donkeys he he said as he turned his tail into a spring and boosted himself and shaggy out of there and ran to the exit. Meanwhile scrappy and Jiminy was spying on the coachman boys said Jiminy pinocchio then he ran scrappy and googie followed. Lampwick grew ears real boy he said let's have some fun he said then grew a tail then had a donkey's face what do I look like a jackass ya sure do said pinocchio as he laughed  the brayed ha said lampwick you laughed like a donkey then brayed.  Did that come out of me pinocchio nodded help he said I've been double crossed then turned into a donkey pinocchio grew ears and a tail pinocchio said googie. Googie scrappy Jiminy help cried the donkeys this way said Jiminy as he pinocchio and googie ran scrappy laughed at lampwick look at the jackass now he said googie grabbed his arm let's go she said and ran as they ran the coachman appears infornt of them we  do you think you're going he said home said googie. My uncle scooby will splat you oh yeah he said look out below said shaggy as he let go of a air balloon and it hit the coachman into the dynamite area jump said scrappy as they jumped in the water there was an explosion the coachman was dead now wow said scrappy you saved us  uncle scooby. googie kissed shaggy on the cheek that's for saving us and this she slapped him is for not stopping pinocchio from going to pleasure island as they got back on ground I'm sorry said pinocchio that's ok said googie . Look said scrappy a bottle with a note said Jiminy.  It says your father was eaten by a whale . Shaggy and scooby got scared I have to go pinocchio said then ran with determination. 
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