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His smile was the best. It made me smile. He is so cute, it makes my chest hurt. Why am I even thinking that? I barely know the kid.

"Hey," I smile back

I put my seatbelt on so we can leave. While we are driving, one of my favorite songs come on the radio.

'She's been my queen since we were sixteen. We want the same things, we dream the same dreams, alright, alright. I got it all cause she is the one. Her mom calls me love, her dad calls me son alright, alright.'

Aaron just laughs as I sing along.

'I know, I know, I know for sure. Everybody wants to steal my girl. Everybody wants to take her heart away. Couple billion in the whole wide world, find another one cause she belongs to me.'

Aaron and I laugh until one of my favorite parts come on. Then I start singing again.

'I don't exist if I don't have her, the sun doesn't shine, the world doesn't turn alright, alright. But I know, I know, I know for sure.'

This time Aaron joins in on the chorus and I can't help but laugh at how funny it is to see him sing to One Direction. He looks so serious and that just makes me laugh harder.

The song ends and Aaron starts laughing.

"So are you a Directioner or whatever their fans are called," he asks still kind of laughing.

"Yes, they are my favorite. They're the best, I love them so much," I say letting my inner fangirl slip a little. Oops.

"Okay, I can respect that," he smiles and glances towards me.

Most people make fun of me for liking them so much. It makes me happy knowing that he won't do that. What most people say is really rude and disrespectful to the fans and the band.

But his smile, oh my lord. He is so freaking adorable. Geez, I really need to stop thinking like that. Like I said before I barely know him. It's really hard not to though, I mean seriously, how can one not?

Not even two minutes later we pull up to one of my favorite and really popular ice cream places.

"I love this place," I yell as I jump out of the car.

Aaron smiles and follows me inside. Ok yeah, maybe I am a little too hyper, but that's my personality. I ran in before him and didn't wait, so the door closed on him. Oops.

When I get my cup, I get mint chocolate chip and cookies and cream in the cup. Those are my two all time favorite flavors.

We got in line to pay, but we had to wait. When it was time to move forward, Aaron put his hand on my lower back close to my hip and pushed me up in line. I kind of squirmed at the touch because it tickled. On the inside I laughed nervously, hoping he didn't notice it too much, hahahaha.

I guess he did notice because he lightly laughed. Great, now I'm embarrassed. Shit, my face is getting red.

"Aw you look so cute," Aaron said poking my cheek.

"Shut up," I laughed, covering my face so no one would see how red I am.

If you can't tell I get easily embarrassed. I smiled into my hands, my face getting a brighter shade of red.

Aaron payed for the ice cream, even though I told him I would because he payed for lunch earlier. I tried to pay, but he beat me to it. Of course.

We finished eating our ice cream. When we finished it was still early enough to do something else. I still have a while until I have to pick my brother, the monster, up.

"Want to come to me house and hang out," he asked.

I agreed to go over. When we got there we raced inside, he won because he has longer legs. We watched and episode of Breaking Bad. We both love this show, so it works out perfectly. By the time it was over I had to pick up the little monster I call my brother. Aaron drove me to get him, then on top of that he drove us home.

"You didn't have to do that, but thank you so much. I had a great time." I smiled, getting out of the car.

"Of course, anytime. See you later," he smiled back.

After I said bye and got my little purse with my phone in it I ran inside my house. Where my brother already was.

"Is that your boyfriend," he asked in that annoying, whiny voice.

"No, but he's cute," I replied in the same voice.

We watched sponge bob for the rest of the night. Then we went to bed.

* 1 week later *

So far the volleyball team has won all of our games. Aaron has come to everyone of them. Even if it is an away game he is there.

So there's this guy his name is Sam. He's cute and a lot of other girls think so too. I like him but I think I like Aaron too. I was thinking and then a text came through to my phone.

'Hey gorgeous'

It was Aaron. Oh gosh, my chest. Breathe Paradise. breathe. It's just a text. He probably didn't even mean anything, just a nice text. We usually text back and forth, so I replied.

I was watching Breaking Bad and my family walked in the door. I always get home from school earlier than they get off of work.

I barely see them during the week so on Fridays we watch TV and spend time together. It's nice.

* Next day *

I woke up and ate. Then I got bored so I decided to get on Instagram and see what was going on.

I decided to see if Aaron had an account. knowing Aaron better now I knew he was pretty simple, so I just searched his name. Instantly his name popped up, when I am on his account I am completely shocked. His amount of followers is unbelievable.

He has 1.58 million, yes I said million,  followers. I go into one of his pictures and there are a bunch of girls begging for him to notice them. I'm not trying to sound rude because he is my best friend, but what the hell is he famous for?

I follow him and look at some of the fan accounts. I thought I had a lot of followers. Some of these accounts have over 50k, I have 20k. I'm speechless and I don't even know why.

I go into a couple more accounts and one catches my eye because there is a picture of me and Aaron from the ice cream shop. How did they get that? I go like the pic and not even a minute later I am tagged in a picture and comment.

The girl is freaking out because I liked her picture. I'm so confused. Why is Aaron so famous and why did this girl freak out about me liking her pic? I should probably talk to Aaron...

My Lost Paradise - Aaron Carpenter fanficWhere stories live. Discover now