A Brand New World *Naruto love story*

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**DISCLAMER** This is my first story on here, so try to be nice okay? c: Oh, and I'm not gonna tell you what happens here, you just have to find out. Mwuahaha. >:D OKAY, let's get on with the chapter already! -___- Oh and all this belongs to Naruto, I only "own" the plot. 

*Serena's P.O.V"  "Uurghhff.. what time is it..?" I mumbled to myself. Ilazily glanced at my digital clock on my nightstand. "8:36am" it read. WHAT THE HELL?! My alarm clock will be smashed for this. I quickly got up, suddenly more active. I Ran over to my closet and slid on a pair of black skinny jeans and a random purple hoodie. I'm always late, what difference does today make? . I slowly walked to the bathroom and looked in the dredded mirror.  My black hair reached my waist and I had over grown bangs that I always clip to the side. My eyes are a weird olive-greenish color, surrounded by thick eyelashes. I still don't know why people say 'Oh you should be a model or something!' or 'How is your skin so perfect?!' I hate it, I believe people tell me this because my parents died a year ago and I moved up here, to Canada. I live with my Aunt, who works 24-7, which is why I'm "rich." I quickly threw my converse on and ran out the door.

*6 hours later*

"Finally, home." I mumbled to myself, as always. Today was really boring, and normal. I was really happy when I got home because there was a Naruto marathon going on. I ran to the couch and turned my T.V on. Finally, something interesting happens today.

*4 hours later* (8 Naruto episodes)

I'm tired already and it's only frickin 9pm! I lazily got off the couch and got some sushi from the fridge.(yes I eat sushi, my Aunt hates it but whatever.) I walked to the living room but before I was even to the couch a random white light cam out of no where and BAM. I was out.

A Brand New World *Naruto love story*Where stories live. Discover now