11: Betrayal

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DS!Error: Ok... now what can I do.. hmmm, maybe I switch sides! Yeah, I'll do that! I want to see them look down at me then!

DS!Blue: Hey, could you be a little quieter?

DS!Error: Oh, sorry- WAIT WHAT-

DS!Blue: Sup.

DS!Error: Wh-What are you doing here!?

DS!Blue: I live here.

DS!Error: Oh Asgore. Well itwasniceseeingyouBYEEE-

DS!Blue: Hang on.

DS!Error: -Aw shizz.

DS!Blue: What did you say about switching sides?

DS!Error: Uhm.. none of your business!

DS!Blue: Why not?

DS!Error: Uhhhhh.. because it isn't?

DS!Blue: ....Alright.

DS!Error: Whew..

DS!Blue: Hm?

DS!Error: ANYWAYS, I've gotta go..

DS!Blue: No.

DS!Error: Wha-

DS!Blue: Did you actually think I'd let an opportunity like this run away?

DS!Error: Yeeeess?

DS!Blue: Exactl- No.

DS!Error: Ah.

DS!Blue: Yeah, just sit over there and stay put.

DS!Error: Wait- aren't you gonna tie me up..?

DS!Blue: You want me to?

DS!Error: Fair enough. *sits*

DS!Blue: Ok, give me a sec..

DS!Error: ..What are you doing?

DS!Blue: Informing Dream of your location.


DS!Blue: Oh come on, you should know me by now.. at least a little, unless you forgot that too.

DS!Error: ..You know what, yeah! Tell him! Tell him I want to help JR instead!

DS!Blue: ? Why?..

DS!Error: Nightmare is pretty much just his ego, Cross is a child, and that chicken! He is insane!!

DS!Blue: Um- ok... I'm just gonna...-

DS!Nightmare: nOt So FaSt!!!


DS!Nightmare: Because I hate McDonalds.


DS!Cross: You had to be there.

DS!Blue: Yeah, Dream, I know you don't want to team up, but Nightmare is assaulting Error and I. ....Yeah, I know, it's a long story-

DS!Nightmare: OI! Who are you talking two?!

DS!Blue: Oh I'm sorry you're too deaf to hear me SAY HIS NAME!

DS!Nightmare: I- How could- No- WHAT!?

DS!Error: SHUT UP!!!

DS!Cross: -..Oh snap.


DS!Nightmare: I came to apologize Error!

DS!Error: Oh, NOW you want to apologize, HUH? What Cross pay you to do this??

DS!Nightmare: Nothing! Kevin-

DS!Error: He threatened you... wow.

DS!Cross: Error, we care about you-

DS!Error: You should've acted like it then!! It's over! Leave!

DS!Nightmare: ...fine.

DS!Cross: ! Nightmare, wait!

DS!Ink: Not so fast.

DS!Cross: !?

DS!Nightmare: OH COME ON! Can't this book have a deep moment in it!?

DS!Cross: AHA!

DS!Blueberry: You two got here fast~

DS!Dream: ...

DS!Blue: ? Dream?

DS!Ink: ....He's not in the mood right now.

DS!Blueberry: ..Ok, geez.

DS!Nightmare: C'mon Cross! Let's get out of here!!

DS!Error: ...No. *le strings, idk*

DS!Nightmare: !? Error!!

DS!Dream: ..Huh?

DS!Error: You're not going anywhere. If I have to pay for my crimes, so are you.

DS!Ink: Uhm.. boss?

DS!Dream: I'm confused as you are.. but.. I guess Errors had a change..

DS!Blue: .....

DS!Error: ...I'll tell you what you want to know.. just make sure you don't kill these two.

DS!Dream: . . .Alright. Thank you for your cooperation.

DS!Nightmare: ..ok.. this is a little too deep.

{Credit To @pansexualpisces for inspiration to add Blue!!}

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