Chapter 16

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“Okay guys, tomorrow we will be going somewhere.” Tae started but Copter gave up listening after the third word.

His mind was doing it again. Thinking about Kimmon’s words that night.

“Nah… I just… happened to be there when you needed someone to comfort you… I think- no, I’m sure that you’re just mistaking your feelings. You don’t like me.”

Copter hid behind the pillow that he was holding and muttered “How dare that guy smile and hug me and piggyback me and take me to the movies and cook for me then suddenly tell me that he just happened to be there?! Kimmon I hope you choke on all the food that you cook you monster!”


The said boy immediately raised his head and saw his two brothers looking at him with deep concern.

“Phi… seriously what’s going on with you these days?” Bas asked and placed a hand on his brother’s shoulder.

Copter drew in a long breath to calm himself down and assured his brothers. “I’m fine.”

His two brothers weren’t buying it. Copter was acting really weird lately that he sometimes scared Tae and Bas. They once heard weird noises coming out from Copter’s room and when they took a peek on what was going on inside, they saw Copter laughing terrifyingly while punching his pillows. The two agreed to act like they saw nothing but it was too horrifying to forget. It almost traumatized Bas, actually.

“Copter… I know a psychologist… maybe you want to—”

“I’m fine phi. So, what were you saying again? What’s with tomorrow?”

Tae swallowed as he saw Copter’s eyes that were telling him that if he didn’t let go of the subject he’d die. “Umm… tomorrow, we’re going to the beach…”

“Really? Just the three of us? Are mom and dad going with us?” Copter asked and heard a sigh from his younger brother.

“Phi, while you were casting a spell on the pillow a while ago, phi Tae already said that we are going to the beach with the employees of Dreamboats’ Diner.” Bas explained.

Copter’s eyes widened and his brain cells started to panic. “With who?”

Bas furrowed his brows and crossed his arms as he narrowed his eyes at his brother. “You know, I thought you were the smartest in our family but now I’m starting to doubt your capabilities.”

“I’m not going.”

The two instantly turned their heads to Copter who was biting his nails.

“It isn’t up for debate. The two of you will be going whether you like it or not. This trip is going to be two days and a night and I won’t be able to keep an eye on you if you won’t come.” Tae said, sounding like a dependable brother, which made Bas roll his eyes.

“Even if we go there, you’ll just forget about us and be lovey-dovey with your boyfriend for the rest of the trip. Right?” Bas asked.

“Is Kimmon going?” Copter asked.

“Yes and yes.” Tae replied.

“Then I’m not going.”

“We’re all going and that’s final.”


Copter thought that this was probably the worst day in his entire life. His brother forcefully shoved him into the car, his ex-crush ecstatically hummed in the passenger seat, and his other brother annoyingly munched his chips, spreading the crumbs everywhere.

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