Chapter 1:

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Annabeths POV
"You should take the job" just those few words from my bitch stepmom convinced my dad to move all the way from our big house in LA California to New York City.

And now I have to go to Goode high where I know nobody. If it wasn't for that greedy bitch we wouldn't have moved. The only reason she wanted him to take the job was for the money! But like I said before she's greedy, cause we already are rich. That's the only reason she married him! But, he doesn't know that, and she warned me never to tell him.

"Annabeth! Get! UP!" Speaking of the devil.

Then there's a knock on my door. If that's her I really don't wanna answer it, but I'll have to. She thinks it's rude, and then she tells my dad how I'm so 'disrespectful'. She makes him think I'm some horrible child. And he believes her, even though I get strait A's, never get in trouble at school, and she's only been her for about (idk how long) and he believes her instead of the years before her.

There's another knock and I roll out of bed and walk to the door. I open it to see my step brother Bobby leaning against the door frame.

"Morning Greenie, rise and shine." He says in his best southern accent. He calls me that because I love to read. "C'mon get ready, breakfast in ten."
I shut my door and walk over to my closet. It's a walk in and full of shelves and racks of clothes, every shoe, every color. But I only wear clothes from two small racks. All the other clothes are just a bunch of fancy crap that my stepmother got me.

I grab a pair of jeans and a long sleeve dark blue shirt along with my combat boots. My old orange Camp Half Blood shirt happens to catch my eye. That shirt's from 2 years ago but it still fits. That that was one of the best camps, Greek styled. When I was 12 I was so into Greek mythology. I went there for 5 years but the age stopped at 16.

I remember that summer camp, I used to go there when my dad was dating the bitch. Camp was all summer, on Long Island so I didn't need to see her face for a whole 2 months. In Camp Half Blood, we would pick a Godly parent and live in their cabin, learn about them, and do activities that they are known for.

I picked Athena as my godly parent. I always thought as myself like her. We practiced battle strategy, read a lot, we did a lot of the arts, and we did other things as a whole camp. We had campfires and games of capture the flag, those were the best summers of my life.

"Annabeth c'mon! Helens gonna get mad!" My brother Matthew says banging on my door.
I quickly put on my clothes and brush my hair quickly. I grab my combat boots, slip them on, and run into my bathroom. I brush my teeth and run downstairs into the kitchen. I take a seat at the table next to bobby and my stepmom places a plate of food in front of me.

"Annabeth, you should've been down here already. And I told you not to wear shoes in the house! So you just forgot it? Just eat quick, the bus will be here soon."

I eat fast but not fast enough for her to criticize.

"That's the bus!" She says and I get up and put my empty plate in the sink.
"Bye mom!" Bobby and Matthew say in unison. I grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder.

"Annabeth? Are you forgetting something?" My step mom asks.
"Oh yeah, my jacket" I say grabbing my black jacket of the coat rack and walk out the door.

I walk to the end of the driveway and the bus pulls up right in front of me. The bus driver opens the door and I walk on and sit in the second seat.
I take out Divergent and read until we arrive at school.

I go to my locker and put my books away and look at my schedule . So first I have homeroom and English with Ms. Stacy. I shut my locker and head to 221.
On the way I bump into someone and drop everything I was holding.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" They say. I look up to see a guy with sea green eyes and windswept jet black hair. He helps me pick up my books. "Thanks." I say blushing and he gives me a lopsided grin making my cheeks heat up more. I quickly gather my things and walk away.

Great job Annabeth. 5 mins in the school and you already knock into someone. Great way to start the new school year.

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