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At first Germany couldn't really tell what woke him up. The sun tickling his nose or his big brother Austria singing in a high pitched and pretty unnatural voice in the shower. At the end, he came to the conclusion that it was both and immediately, he was annoyed.
"Are you fucking serious right now?", he groaned, rolling around to kick the wall next to him (convenient for him he got the only room next to the bathroom. A blessing and a sin on many days.) so hard he could swear he could see a little bit of debris falling down. "ÖSTERREICH! IT IS 7 A.M IN THE MORNING" He screamed at the top of his lung, putting all of the anger he can find at an lazy early morning while knowing that there really was just a small chance his brother would hear him over his singing. Luckily, he did. The shower stopped and he could hear Austria mumbling something under his breath and deep inside the German boy was glad that he couldn't understand him. It was too early for a fight, neither did he have the motivation for it now. As he stood up, he could hear every bone in his body popping in horror at the sudden movement. He sighed and promised himself to buy a new mattress as soon as his paycheck allowed him to. He let out an even deeper sigh, as he looked at the unwashed mountain of clothes on his desk chair. Life was fucking his ass at the moment and he knew that he should get used to it if he really wanted to study medicine like he planned to. A normal white shirt and beige pants would have to make due for the week.  He opened the door in one fast smooth swoosh.


"Oh my god. I am so sorry I didn't see you, I swear!"
Switzerland groaned in pain, rubbing his head, where the German man had smashed the door only seconds ago. "Good Morning to you too, Deutschland!" Switzerland was the oldest one  in the house but Germany knew that doesn't mean he's the most intelligent one. You could say he was the exact opposite. Switzerland always let his heart act instead of his brain and Germany always had thought that it was incredibly foolish of him. "I told you to be more careful!"
Germany sighed. Well, he said sorry, didn't he? "Watch where you are going next time!" Switzerland just nodded still with one hand on his head, letting out dramatic hisses from time to time. Then, so quick Germany wasn't even sure if Switzerland was in pain to begin with, he simply turned back around and proceeded to knock at the bathroom door. Austria must've been in there for hours, so long even, that Switzerland skipped his "you treat me so bad, Germany bla bla" Talk and let the man go in peace. What a great morning. Germany couldn't hide a smile as he jumped down the stairs to the shared kitchen. "Someone is having a good day, hm?" said Reichtangle, sitting at the table. He was busy reading a newspaper but immediately looked up as his youngest son entered the room. "You have to talk with Austria, Papa! He's been in the bathroom for at least 3 hours by now. Switzerland is slowly going insane." - "Oh Is that something new? Your uncle should be used to it." Germany ignored his sassy answer and stepped to his dad on the table, grabbing one of the salami bread pieces from his father's plate. "Hey!" Reich looked at Germany, seemingly hurt at his sudden action. "Wer sich kümmert, teilt!" Germany stated, matter of fact, biting into it. "And I thought I teached you about the downside of communism." Germany sticked out his tongue at his father. "Oh!" His dad put down his left over bready wiping his hands on his black jacket. "Netherlands wanted you to come over. He sounded really excited." "Oh yes! we want to decorate his house for his party this evening. He wants to celebrate into his birthday!" Germany took another bite of his stolen bread, waiting for his dad to take him through the "don't drink to much" talk, when Austria entered the room, saving him. "Now, tell me why am I not invited? I am the KING of every party!" He sat down besides Reich, who automatically handed him the newspaper so he could read through the sport's pages. His smaller brother rolled his eyes, amused. "Yeah, the king of every party? The one who puked on America's pants last year?" "Damn. Don't be like that. You know what dad always says: Einmal ist keinmal!" Reich raised an eyebrow, amused. "I do not think that I ever said that before."we

《Falling deep》●Russia/Germany●Where stories live. Discover now