snakebit. part two

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season 1, episode 3, part 2

YOU watched with sad eyes as the dragons flew off into the distance, knowing that there was a chance that you'd never see them again. Despite only being with them a few days, they had been with you for a good majority of your missions, and therefore, it was hard seeing them leave.

Cole was standing behind the seven of you, looking deeply hurt. You know Cole was closer with Rocky than with anyone else. You placed a soft, reassuring hand on his shoulder. He gave you a small smile, to which you returned the gesture. As you began to walk, you let your hand slip off of his shoulder and back down to your side.

"Boo!" A voice screamed into your ear. You turned around and tried to punch the person, but they ducked just in time. "Woah, that was a close one." Kai said, regaining his composure. "Oh my god, you need to stop doing that! Next time I might just use my bow and arrow instead," you threatened, making him roll his eyes playfully. "Oh really?" he asked cheekily. "Uhm, yeah." you replied as though it was obvious. "Well in that case, I promise that I'll never do it again." he spoke mockingly. "I thought so," you said back as you began walking ahead of him.


"AH, of all the days to loose our ride." Jay huffed sadly, his eyes stuck to the ground. "Ditto." you sighed. "That flute, you've never told us why it's so special." Zane pointed over to the flute Sensei was playing quietly. "Long ago, there were many flutes," he began to explain. "Created to combat the powers of the serpentine and drive them underground. But over time, Ninjago's forgotten it's ancestors' wisdom, and now this is the only one." He finished, as he turned to Jay and began playing it loudly. Jay jumped back with a look of disapproval in his face as you sniggered into your hand. "I get the lesson, respect your elders or else suffer the consequences. Boy, you guys are laying it on thick!" Jay complained as he continued walking, whilst the rest of you had stopped.

The Junkyard was just in front of them now. "Perhaps you are only hearing what you need to hear." Sensei explained vaguely - as he does most things. Jay looked around nervously and you raised an eyebrow. "What is it?" Nya asked him curiously. "It's quiet." Jay mumbled. "And?" you asked him, his growing nervousness making you worried. "My family is never quiet." he said, before pulling down his mask and running inside. You followed behind him, running beside Cole and Kai as you got closer to the entrance. Jay sprinted over to a recycled freezer, where loud muffled noises could be heard from inside. He threw away the metal pole that was holding the door closed, before opening the door as quickly as possible.

Inside were Jay's parents, tape over their mouths and hands tied behind their backs. "What happened? Who did this?" Jay asked desperately, his voice shaking slightly. He ripped the tape off of his mother's mouth, "Sweetheart, you came." his mother smiled, revealing two sharp fangs on either side of her teeth.

The serpentine!

He then pulled the tape off of his father's mouth. "You gotta get out of here. You shouldn't of come. It's the s-s-snakes!" he pleaded, his 's' sounding more exaggerated than usual. Thought so. "The bite of the fangpyre!" Sensei exclaimed, clearly knowing more than the other six of you. "Once they sink their teeth, their venom can turn anything into a serpent. It's only a matter of time before the full transformation is complete!" he said as Jay's parents hopped out of the container. You then staggered back as a huge bulldozer drove straight into the junkyard, swinging the wrecking ball around dangerously. The thing that was odd, per say, were the jack-o-lantern like face staring straight at you. It... growled?

"Uh, is that wrecking ball staring at me?" Cole asked wondrously. They swung the weapon around as it came hurling straight towards the people. "Duck!" you screamed, making everyone jump out the way, except from Jay's parents. They stood, unable to move as the giant ball came flying towards them at lightning speed. You reached out to help them, but there was nothing you could do. But then, Jay jumped in, knocking them straight to the ground, inches before they were hit. The cloak of dust disappeared as each of you coughed. "Thanks, son." Jay's father thanked him. You stood up, facing one of the piles of junk.

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