Chapter 25 Laughing Gas

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Ma dudes! What the heck?! We have reached 1.8k reads! And 48 votes! Agh! Thank you so much! I may be sick, and I may be in bed, but I sat straight up when I saw this. You don't know how thankful I am. Just remember to check my friend's profile, ItsGoogleBitch, since she's helped with the book. Thank you so much!


Jack bursts into the kitchen. I'm sitting on a stool by the island and Atticus is making bacon.

"Ellana! I have to tell you something!"

Atticus and I exchange glances. "What do you need to say?"

He jogs over to me, leaning on the counter. "I tore a portal that was in my washing machine!"

I furrow my eyebrows. 

Atticus goes back to making bacon. He shakes his head.

I turn back to Jack who seems genuinely concerned. "You're telling me..."


"That you ripped a portal..."


"That was in your washing machine?"

Is he on drugs?

"Are you feeling okay?"

He replies, "It was actually the dryer-"

"That's not the point, here. Are you actually feeling okay?" I set the back of my hand on his forehead, ignoring the sparks.


Doctor What's-his-face barges in. His eyes fall on Jack.

"Alpha." He bows his head.

"Ye-es?" Jack asks, a smirk tugging on the edge of his lips.

"I ask with respect that you come back to the infirmary, Master."

He laughs, "No, sir-ie." He salutes the doctor.


"Why was he in the infirmary?" I ask, rushing to catch Jack when he starts falling.

"Oh, dear." The doctor helps me hold Jack steady. "He's on laughing gas right now. I apologize, Luna."

"Why is he on laughing gas?"

"Because it's fucking amaz- ow! Who punched me?" Jack searches for the culprit.

"Nobody punched you, Master Jack. Luna, he is on laughing gas because he wanted to get his wisdom teeth removed."

"And he didn't tell me? I could've gotten this on video!"

"I'm guessing that's why he didn't tell you," Atticus says.

"Okay, that's fair. Can you bring some gauze over here, or are you not finished?"

"Yes, Luna. I can bring gauze over, if that is what you would like."

"Okay, great. Do that, then. I'll take care of Jack."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. His mouth is bleeding, so please hurry."

The doctor rushes out of the kitchen, and seconds later, I hear the front door close.

Jack mumbles incoherent words to himself. "Agh!" He spits out some blood onto the island. "Why am I dying?!"

"You're not dying."

"Yes, I am! Did you see that paint?! I'm not supposed to paint!"

Before I can respond he rocks back and forth. 

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