Who is he?-G.D.

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Hey lovelies, if you're liking these, drop a vote for me! I'd love to know either way, and I'll always take advice and constructive criticism! Enjoy!

Grayson is FURIOUS. But he can't exactly articulate why yet. His day started off completely normal. Waking up at 7, working out until 8, coming back to his sleepy girlfriend scrolling through social media before they showered together (no funny business, yet😏), and he began to make breakfast for himself and his brother while she whisked off to work. But something was different today. Y/n left her cellphone presumably on accident, and while Gray had no reason to not trust her, the overwhelming amount of messages from someone only titled "RD" caused him to take a peek.
RD: Hey, you coming tonight?
RD: Y/n? C'mon baby, I need to know,  I haven't heard from you and I need to know
RD: Ok well I hope to see you tonight😘
And this is where Grayson is stuck, toast burning and his brother snapping his fingers in front of his face.
"Gray, helloooo, dude you're gonna burn the fucking house down, what's up with you and why do you have Y/n phone?!"
"E...read these please", Grayson nearly whispers. Ethan gives him a strange look, but took the phone and scanned the messages nonetheless. "I dont know dude, maybe it's a girl?"
"Calm down bro, I doubt that seriously. The girl works so much, she barely has time for you, let alone time to cheat", Ethan says. But it's too late in Graysons head. He brushes past his brother, bumping his shoulder too hard, and grabs Y/N's things to begin to pack. He couldn't stop the angry tears, and was just grateful to be alone. How could she? What had he done wrong? It didnt matter now. She cheated and now she was getting booted the fuck out. Out of his home and out of his life. Once her things were packed, he waited in the living room with her phone tightly gripped in his hand. Ethan came in a few times to check on him, but only recieved grunts as answers to his questions.
Once 6 rolled around, Y/n made her way into the house, ready to see her boyfriend and honestly even Ethan, even if he annoyed her sometimes.
"Hey babe! I'm sorry I forgot my......phone." She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw her things packed and Grayson looking at her like she kicked his puppy, a dangerous mix between hurt and furious. "What's up Gray, whats going on?"
"You tell RD, whoever he is that I hope he has a place for you to sleep, and live for that matter", Gray begins standing up from the sofa. "I hope he can stand a cheater. I gave you everything Y/N! I let you into my home,  let you meet my friends and family,  told my fans about you!" By this point, Grayson is yelling right in her face. Ethan comes in the room to see his brother visibly falling apart, as well as his now presumably ex girlfriend, who still has yet to say a word.
"Y/N, Get your shit, that I so GRACIOUSLY packed for you and get out. Get the hell out! Out of my life, my home, my heart. Please...", Grayson can't take it anymore and completely breaks down sobbing, sitting back on the sofa and burying his face in his hands. Y/n stands there in shock, but now feels nothing but anger and the most hurt shes ever felt. Wordlessly, she grabs her phone from the couch, taps a few times before sitting it back on the couch next to Grayson and grabs her things, heading towards the front door. She and Ethan exchange shocked, sad looks before she rushes out, attempting to hide her agony from the twins. Grayson waits until he hears her car pull off to look at the phone next to him. He sees a conversation between Y/N and her friend Y/f/n.
Y/N: Girl. Ryan wont leave me alone! He keeps asking me out and I cant block him until after this last project

Y/f/n: Lol just tell Grayson, I'm sure he'd have no problem telling him to fuck off

Y/N: Yeah but the boys just got back from vacation and honestly I just want to focus on us. Im just going to change his name to RD in my phone for "Real life Douchebag" 😂  Gray would probably get a kick out of that

Y/f/n: Lol it's so true. Well have fun with your maaaan tell him I said hey

Y/N: of course, I missed him so much, gotta go!

Grayson vaguely remembers y/n mentioning this guy, and how he asks her on dates despite knowing about Grayson. Y/n never made it a big deal because she was so madly in love with him, and he had just driven her right out of his life because of his blistering jealousy. He didnt even let her talk. Ethan sees his brothers expression go from anger to pure guilt and regret, so he comes over and reads the messages on her phone.
"Dude...", he begins "I dont know how you're gonna come back from this one. She left."
"Yeah no shit she left ethan! I'm the biggest fuck up and I can't even call her because I have her phone! Its over.." Grayson once again breaks down and let's out a sob that absolutely breaks his brothers heart. Ethan sits with him until he falls asleep and covers him with the softest blanket he can find, even though he knows his brother will indefinitely drool on it. Ethan slips on a pair of sneakers and a hoodie, and heads out to try and help fix his overly jealous brothers relationship.

Part 2? I dont know lol. If you want it, I'll happily make it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2019 ⏰

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