[Y/n] Gets Crushed

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Sparrow sat on the steps outside the school as his fingers continued to move across the keyboard. As he finished, Duchess gave a small clap, "Well, this is a pleasant change to your usual musical choices."

He gave out an exhausted sigh, "Thanks."

"I really liked the way your fingers moved." One little piggy sat off to the side as he gave out a snort of approval.

Another pig sat next to him with his stubby arms crossed, "Well, I thought it could've been worked better."

Sparrow glared, "Yeah? Well I'm about to work on a little pig next." The pig gulped and squealed away.

"What is this new song for anyway?" Sparrow turned his attention back to Duchess, "A new concert?"

"No, it's for my advanced writing class. Mr. Piper thinks I should step away from rock and try something soft or whatever." He rolled his eyes as he recounted what the teacher had told him.

A piggy spoke up once more, "Oh, is this like a final project."

"Yeah, and it's been, like, totally not hexcellent. I just want to go back to my own groove or whatever."

"Well, whether you like it or not," Duchess allowed a couple of her fingers to dance across his keyboard, "I think this is going to get you a pretty good score."

He gave her a half-hearted smile, "Well, it's only half way done, I still need lyrics."

"Oh, well I'm great at lyrics!" One of the pigs sprung up from their sitting position.

"No he's not," The pig from before looked around the corner of the stair case, "Run!"

The other piggy brought Sparrow's attention back to him, "Just start playing, and I'll sing whatever comes to mind."

Duchess brought out her mirror pad, "Here, I'll record it."

With nothing left to lose, Sparrow shrugged his shoulders and started to play his melody.

The pig let out a high pitched squeal, "Oh, baby...and I need you, and I love you. Upside down... Touch my toes, and...I can't do this." All the pigs quickly ran away from the embarrassing scene.

"Great... Delete." Duchess set her pad down after getting rid of that recording.

"Well, whenever I do come up with the lyrics, I want you to sing them."

Duchess looked at him with surprise, "Me?"

"Yeah, girls know how to sing soft. Sparrows do not sing soft."

"Well, I guess I'm flattered."

"Excuse me, Miss Swan?"

They both turned to see Headmaster Grimm approaching. "I understand that you signed up for advance dance for the next semester."

"Oh yes indeed," Duchess examined her manicure in pleasure, "I believe that I will make the most darling addition to the class, don't you agree?"

"Well, not right now. Since you don't exactly qualify for the class yet."

Duchess was broken out of her previous state of glee, "Um, I'm sorry, what?"

Headmaster Grimm held out a clipboard, "It seems as if you need to pass advanced princess training before you can qualify."

"Well, what if I just passed the exam, you know, without taking the class?"

"The exam is in three days time." He raised a questioning eyebrow at her.

Duchess gave a smile, "That's all I need."

The Headmaster gave her one more doubting look, "Well, I suppose."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2019 ⏰

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