What's In A Name

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I looked down at the bag I was packing. I didn't know what I was supposed to feel. Happy? Angry?

"It's gonna be alright," I heard Silena's soothing voice, reassure me.

"They might be dead..." I let that thought of mine hang in the air for a few seconds. "It's been a thousand Chaos years...They can't be alive."

I heard someone grunt by the doorway and turned my attention there. I saw Luke leaning against the doorframe.

"You sure about that?" He directed the question at me.

"Yeah," I answered. But as soon as it came out of my mouth it felt as if I was telling a lie.

"it's been a thousand Chaos years not Earth years."

Silena suddenly spoke up. "So you mean--" 

"Yup," Luke nodded. "They're still alive."

I looked down. This is gonna be bad...

"How many Earth years has it been?" I asked.

"About a year."

So...that means I've only been gone for a year...

"Hey," I felt Silena's arm around my shoulders."It's okay, Sis. I'm here for you."

I gave her a sly smile.

"It's gonna be fine." I told myself, hoping I could believe it. "Nothing bad will happen."


I cannot believe you guys liked this story. How did you even find out about it?

Still. I love you guyz. The votes and comments... Just plain amazhang.

Thank you soo much!

Short chap? Don't worry. 

Without further ado.....

A continuation.







The other soldiers and I met up outside Lord Chaos' Office/ Throne Room...I hve no idea which is which because sometimes it's an office sometimes it's a throne room. You can never tell.

"Are you ready?" Silena gripped my hand.

" 'Course I am." I lied.

"Liar..." Luke muttered.

"Don't be so hard on her, Lukey." Bianca teased.

"Lukey, dear. " Ethan joined in saying it in a very bad British accent. "Will you please pass the salt?"

I resisted the urge to smile. The "Lukey" joke was due to an accident during Mission #3473.

"Looook," Luke started hoping to change the subject. "Piper's gonna smile."

They all turned there head to me and I couldn't help it, but I laughed.

"We miss your smile, Beauty Queen." Leo commented.

"Yes, you are a lot prettier when you smile." Calypso added.

"Are you ready guys?" Beckendorf asked everyone.

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