Chapter 1

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     My best friend lives in the shadows. Well, they are a shadow. But not my shadow. He is his own shadow who makes his own movements. He doesn't like sun or light really, so I carry him in my backpack during the day. He really doesn't like being left home. I left him home once and he ate Scruffy, my mom's cat. So everyday we go to elementary school and learn. He's quiet during school, and I think it's because he's shy. He loves stormy days and that's okay because so do I. Mud puddles are my favorite. Sometimes he leaves me on stormy days and doesn't come back until the storm is over. After knowing him for awhile, I came up with the name Calibur. He responds to it so that's all that matters. He doesn't ever talk. I've tried to get him to talk, and have even used flashcards. Sometimes Calibur makes noises like grunts, but not very often. He's very quiet, and that's good because I don't want mom or dad to find out. They would freak out. No one has ever noticed him before, and sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one who can see him but I still don't want to take any chances.

     Today we are going to an amusement park. Mom told me to leave my backpack here. I don't want Calibur to eat Bubbles, my fish. I've only had him for two weeks. I'm hoping to convince him not to eat Bubbles. Or destroy the house. When I walk in the room he's in the backpack ready to go. When I dump him out, he looks at me then the backpack.

No, you can't come.

Mom says they won't let me take my backpack in the park.

You understand right?

     Mom calls up the stairs for me and I know I have to leave soon but I don't want to leave Calibur. Especially for this long. We do everything together.

Bye, Calibur.

Please don't eat Bubbles.

     The last thing I hear before I close the door is a snarl. He is not going to be happy with me.

     Six hours later, and I'm back. I look up to my window and he's waiting there. I hope he's been good. I quickly run to the door to see the damage before my parents do. Everything's okay. Nothing has been moved. Bubbles is still in his bowl on the counter. I go upstairs to see Calibur because I know he's been alone all day. I don't like being alone, either. When I open the door, he's on the bed rocking back and forth. I sit next to him, and he turns away. He's mad at me. It's not even my fault! He knows I wanted to take him, but it wasn't up to me.

My parents make the rules Calibur.

You should know that by now.

It's only been 6 years of living with me.

     He slips under my bed, and I know he is moping. I let him do so because I know he gets bored and will come out sooner than later. It's getting late anyway, so I should sleep. He'll join me on the bed once it's completely dark.

Goodnight, Calibur. I love you.

     I wake up in the middle of the night to a bang. Once my eyes focus to the darkness, I check for Calibur. He isn't at the end of my bed like usual. I hope he isn't the one making the noise. I also hope it didn't wake up my parents or I'm going to be in a lot of trouble. So, I slip my slippers on and head down stairs to see if that's where the ruckus came from. Nothing. No Calibur. No parents. I tread back upstairs to see if my parents are still sleeping.

     The air becomes eerie. I am scared. Why? I don't know. Something feels off. It's darker and quieter than ever before. It's like I can hear the walls talking to me, whispering sweet nothings. The walk to their room seems as if it is taking longer with every step I take.




Is anyone there?

     Once I finally make it to their room, I stop. Their door is ajar. Why am I so afraid? They are going to be sleeping like they always are at this time of night. I walked in their room and realized... They were going to be sleeping for eternity.

My Friend CaliburWhere stories live. Discover now