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So um I wanted to talk to you guys for a bit about something I've been thinking about for a while and I want your opinion on it. So my question for you guys is: What do you think about me becoming a YouTuber?

Yes, I know this is a weird topic for me to talk about, but I watched Pewdiepie's video on Indies VS Pewdiepie and I saw he got a golden joystick and he said that he didn't want to have a crap job on files and papers because his passion was video games and so that got me thinking. I mean, sure, it'll be hard because of school and stuff, but I won't start it now. Maybe when I'm a little older and have s'more freedom, ya know?

But yeah, I want to know of you guys will actually watch my videos and support me, because lately, I've been feeling kinda down and having a lack of inspiration and I'm not sure why, but um yeah I just kinda want ur opinion on this matter and...yeah. That's really it.

Luv to all!<3


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