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Well? Who paid you to talk to Me? Was it one of the sluts- I mean, cheerleaders? I wouldn't put it past them. Then again, I wonder if they could even count out the money to give to you.

You're here on your own will you say? Well why the hell would you do that? Are you new here? I thought so. I didn't recognize you. You should go, before anyone sees you. Wouldn't want to be caught hanging with 'the freak' on your first day in hell. Oops. Did I say hell? I meant school. Last I checked though they're synonyms.

Why do they call me the freak? Well, not every kid you see has emo-punk rainbow hair, carries around and stabs a mini stuffed bear and dresses in steam punk. And last I checked not every kid lives with a world renound youtuber. Oh yeah, you didn't know? Of course you didn't, its your first day. Maybe my name will give you a hint.

Harper Lush.

Okay everyone. That's all you get for the first part. Pleas go check out my other (crappy) stories and vote for this (also crappy) story. Thanks.


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