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-------------Los Angeles, California.

-------------------- Three weeks later( Olyster residence)

I was finally out of the hospital and was back home. Well not my home. The Olyster home. " Home sweet home Faryah" Sophia called as the door to the mansion was opened up for us. It was a weekend so everyone decided to come take me home from the hospital I was really getting sick of. I had recovered, the scar from the stab was still there but the pain was gone, and I haven't had another headache since the last one. The doctor prescribed some drugs for me in case I got another headache. He said I was fine, I recovered fast. That I needed to exercise and eat healthy and the usual health stuff.

I was hospital schooled and I was finally going to be going to UCLA to finish my course. I was given a thesis to complete in July so as for me to graduate. I couldn't graduate without the Thesis. I also wrote some exams and tests for me to be able to adjust within their field and I caught up pretty well. Everyone was proud of me.

Khalid and I grew closer day by day, I knew his likes and dislikes and I began to wonder. When I was still a kid I was allergic to cheese, but I still eat Pizzas and Burgers now and nothing happens to me. I changed I guess. I also told him I wasn't into Lemons. They were so sour and horrible. He loved chocolates, pretty normal, he also loved stars, like I did. I was still finding it hard to talk to him about Islam. Anytime I tried bringing the topic up, he always found a way to change it. There were times that I really wondered if falling in love with him was the right thing. But deep down I really believed I could talk to him. I believed he was going to listen to me if I tried harder.

I grew closer to all of them, Grandpa July, Papa Brandon, Mama Zainab and Sophia. It's a pity I didn't get to interact will with Neill. Even though we weren't on good terms. I still prayed to Allah to forgive him. He needed it.

" Thank you" I answered as Khalid handed my bags to Anna. She was back. " Anna how are you?" I asked before she walked away. " I'm fine now, thank you ma'am" she answered and smiled at me. She was shot because of me. " I'm sorry for what happened" I apologised and she still smiled at me. " It's okay ma'am, No one wanted it to happen ma'am so it's alright, at least I'm better now Ma'am. Thank you for your concern" She responded and I nodded and hugged her. I knew she needed it. 

I opened my room door with Sophia and Khalid behind me. " We went shopping before your terrible incident remember so I told the maids to arrange them in your closet" Sophia said as we walked into my closet. " I did add a few things, you know accessories, more shoes, bags" She chirped as she showed them to me. My hangers were full, each one of them. " They'll suit you" Khalid whispered into my ear and I smiled at him. " You like them?" she asked as I took a look at them again. They were all so expensive. " Yeah I guess, but aren't they too expensive?" I asked as I looked at one of the flats on the shoe rack. " that's really not a problem" she answered and smiled at me. They really weren't what I was used to but I could adjust.

" I'll go see if Lunch is ready, if you want to freshen up and get all the  hospital cooties out of you, do that and come downstairs" Sophia said as she pinched my cheeks as she walked out of the room. I was left alone with Khalid. " I'm glad you're back " he began as he walked closer to me, holding a bag. " I am too" I answered as I watched him take out a book. " I got you this before you had the accident, I was planning on giving this to you that night, but here, you can have it now"  he said as he handed me a medium sized flower printed diary with a modern lock. " The Password's 'My voice' " he added as I looked at it. This was my very first gift from someone. I was really grateful. " Thank you" I said as I opened it smiling. " I got it for you that time to you know, express your feelings and thoughts, since you couldn't speak then, I'm guessing it won't be that much of a help now"

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