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  -Lisa's Pov-

Before I ran I managed to land a punch on that guy.

-Few Minutes Later Of Running-

Lisa -"I think we already lost them" I said panting because of running.

Jungkook didn't pay attention to me looking at the girl. I couldn't care less the girl was very pretty compared to me.

Jungkook looked at me.

Jungkook -"Where are we?" He started looking aroud

Lisa -"Some alley.." I said disapointedly.

Jungkook -"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly

Lisa -"Yeah, yeah..Try comforting the girl firts" I said.

Jungkook -"Okay.."

Jungkook look at the girl and said.

Jungkook -"Why we're those guys following you in the middle of the night..?" He asked.

??? (Girl)- "I-I-I----" she couldn't finish her sentence which made me irritated. I sign Jungkook to step back cause I'm gonna try comforting her in best not irritated voice and facial expressions.

Lisa -"Breath honey Breath" I said exaling trying to calm her down.

Girl -"I was followed my those guys because I have a big debt.." She said quietly almost whisper

Lisa -"How much?"

Girl -"100,000,000₩.."

I choked on my saliva when I hear her debt that big

Jungkook -"Lisa are you okay?"

I coughed and said

Lisa -"Yeah s-sure fine"

I felt something. My heart was beating faster. My face feels hot its good that it's cold because its so embarrassing.

Lisa -"W-what are we gonna do now?"

Jungkook -"Hmm, you might face the authority if you don't pay the debt."

??? -"HEY!!"

We look at where the voice come's from...

Jungkook -"Jin-hyung?"

The man got closer.

Jin -"We were worried sick where we're you"

Jin speaks casually not noticing me and the girl, I pulled my hat down.

Finally Jin took a notice of us,

Jin -"Yah! Jungkook who is this two girls?!"

Jungkook look at us,

Jungkook -"Please let me explain"

Jin -"You lil BUNNY WHAT THE F--"

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