Chapter 25: Beloved and Invaluable Friends

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For the next several hours, Zelda did not leave Link's side once as she waited for him to wake up and feel better. The harsh words that had been thrown between them were completely forgotten, as if they had never been said in the first place. But when the hero finally did awaken, it was clear to see that there was still a tense strain between the two of them, something that almost caused another argument to arise between them when he insisted that they leave for Termina immediately, something that the princess had a hard time agreeing with considering he obviously wasn't feeling better yet. But, knowing that Link would not take no for an answer a second time, Zelda finally relented and the two of them set off all the same, leaving Castle Town as soon as they could to avoid Veran finding them if they stayed in any one place for too long. Instead of heading straight for Termina, the two of them rode Epona along the lesser known paths of Hyrule Field, hoping to stay out of sight and out of danger as much as possible.

However, even though they were trying to maintain a sense of stealth as they traveled through the darkness, they never could have anticipated the multiple sets of eyes lying in wait in the shadows of the field, catching sight of the princess and the hero immediately. And, at once, they all knew exactly who both of them were and what value it would be to them if they were to apprehend them.

Even though they had been traveling for quite some time now, neither Link nor Zelda had spoken a word in what seemed like ages due to the lingering tension between them. And so, as they kept their focus solely on the path ahead of them, neither one of them would had ever seen the first arrow that shot right by them coming. The projectile narrowly missed them and instead lodged itself into a nearby tree as the hero quickly brought Epona to a stop. The princess already had her golden bow ready to fire at whoever their attackers were, and as soon as another arrow was shot in their direction, she was quick to respond by sending one back in the way it had come.

By now, their attackers had come into view: a group of about ten or so, all of them Hylian and all of them wearing black and wielding bows as they stood several feet behind the princess and the hero, staring at them angrily. Link and Zelda exchanged a brief glance, knowing that they must have been rebellious citizens, caught up in the coup that Veran had started, but what they didn't understand was why they were obviously trying to chase them both down now.

"Please," the princess began to negotiate with them, hoping to make them see reason somehow as she dismounted the horse. "We mean you no harm. Let us go and we'll-"

"Ha!" the leader of the group, a rough-looking man wearing a black cloak unlike the rest of his group. "You really think we're going to listen to fall for your lies ever again, princess? We're done taking orders from you! All we're interested in is bringing you in for that hefty bounty that's on both of your heads!"

"Bounty?" Zelda asked, her brows furrowing in confusion. "What bounty?"

"You mean you don't know about the huge stash of rupees being offered for your immediate capture?" another one of the bandits asked with a hint of cruelty in his tone as he held up two wanted posters, one showing an exact image of Zelda and the other showing a picture of Link.

The hero and the princess exchanged a serious glance, both of them already knowing that Veran was behind this. Of course she wanted to capture the two of them; after all, according to the sages, the two of them were the only ones who stood a chance against her. But if the sorceress could take the two of them out before they could rise up against her, then she would truly be unstoppable. It only made sense that she would somehow recruit the aid of the rebellious citizens of Hyrule do apprehend them, especially considering how unpopular the princess currently was in the eyes of her people.

Zelda took in a deep breath as she tried to reason with this gang once more, hoping that a fight wouldn't break out. The last thing she wanted to do was attack innocent civilians, even if they were antagonizing her and Link. "Please," she said calmly. "Listen to me. You don't know what you're doing. We're not your enemies. We only want to-"

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