k so this might be sad

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Frank was eyeing cereal boxes, trying to decide which one to get that everyone liked. Not only that, but it had to be cheap.

"Ooh, Daddy! This one!" Edith, who had been previously running around the basket, ran up to a box of Captain Crunch. She looked up at him with her big, round brown eyes and smiled. "James doesn't like Captain Crunch." He stated. A tug to his shirt made him look down at his two year old baby girl, who held her arms out to him, wanting to be picked up. Her birthday was last week and she had been very excited and more active ever since. "Not now, sweetie. You gotta stay in here for a little while, kay?" He cooed, tickling her neck. She laughed and spit came out of her mouth.

"Yes I do!" James said loudly, running over as well, deciding that looking at different fruit snacks was not as important as choosing cereal. "Since when?" Frank raised an eyebrow while wiping the spit off his daughter's chubby face. God, she was growing so fast. Soon she'll be walking and talking and running around. Man, Frank's not ready for this.

"Since last time." And James dropped the box in the cart.

Frank was ready to protest and say that it wasn't on sale and if it was they could get two boxes, but they were now skipping down the aisle to the fruit snacks, not worrying about having another box of cereal, so he let it go. The less they know, the less money he'll spend. He has to pay that guy to install the last shutter on their house today. He can't wait and Gerard has been nagging him about it for the past week.

"Eat. Eat cew." Chistine whined, turning around in the basket seat to make grabby hands at the cereal. "Not now, sweetheart." Frank said, and she began to whine. Frank rolled his eyes. She had literally just eaten right before they left. He shushed her and leaned down to kiss her forehead while walking forward, letting her push his cheeks together. He made a kissy face and some weird noises and she smiled at him. "Do it!" She giggled. "I am doing it!"

"Dad! Can we get this?" James held out Avenger themed fruit rollups.

"I hate shopping with you two. You're worse than your father."

"James is the one who keeps asking for everything!" Edith crossed her arms and glared at her older brother. "So?" He shrugged and then dropped that in the basket as well. "Alright. No more stuff. I'm picking things out." "No fair!" Edith shoved James in his arm and he just smirked.

"Fine. Pick one, whiny baby." Frank gave in, giggling along with his son when she turned to glare at him. "I'm not a whiny baby." "I'm just kidding, sweetheart." Frank rolled his eyes. She was like Gerard in that way when she pouted. Christine turned in the seat and reached for her sister's hair. Unsuccessful, she put her hands on her own head and stared up at her Dad. "Hair." He said, watching her pat her head.


"Close enough."

"Look, Christie! Princess!" Edith gasped, holding the box out to her. Christine took it into her small hands and then threw it back at her.

"Ow!" Edith rubbed her nose and Frank had to stifle his laughter.

"Christie!" He scolded, stopping to pick up the box. "Why are you always throwing things at people?" He asked, shaking his head. "That's a no-no."

"Maybe she likes spiderman?" Edith suggested. She gave her the box of spiderman gummies and it took a few seconds before she started to try and open it, banging the box against the seat. "Okay. No princess." Edith took that box and put it back.

"Eat." Christine said, holding the box out for Frank to open.

At the register, James and Edith kept Christine occupied while Frank unloaded the basket. "You have adorable little children." The cashier smiled. Frank smiled back widely. He knew he did. "Thank you."

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