Chapter 2

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The flight to Bristling Pines Camp took two hours on a clear day. With the incoming storm, Cassian was pushing the new recruits to arrive before the storm could. Even with luggage, the females were keeping the harsh pace Cassian set at the front. Rhysand flew at the back, keeping watch for anyone who fell behind.

The dark storm clouds looked ahead, close enough that Rhys knew it would be an unpleasant flight in a matter of minutes. The High Lord debated putting up a shield to make the flight easier, but decided that the females would not appreciate what could be perceived as coddling. So Rhysand braced for the cold wind that would feel like ice shredding through his wings. The harsh conditions were part of what made Illyrians so tough, and he would honor the grit of his people today.

"Form up!" Cassian roared from the front. Even though the females were untrained, they quickly formed even, tidy lines in close proximity to keep everyone that much warmer. This would also be a test of their ability to maintain ranks in harsh situations. The howling wind screeched in Rhysand's ears as the group hurled towards the camp ahead. Thankfully, none of the females fell behind throughout the flight.

Once the new recruits landed, still as stone despite the frigid air, Cassian divided them up into four groups of four and one group of five. These were to be their cohorts, training partners and sisters during the year. Each group would be responsible for their tent, laundry, cooking, and any other task that might come up. The trainers here would teach them how to become warriors in mind, spirit, and body. Cassian and Azriel designed the courses to be tougher than those the males endure so the females learn to hold their own when challenged.

When, not if, Rhys said when they laid out fundamentals the first time. Because the males would not like having females that can fight with more ferocity, cunning, and strength. Just as they had sought to challenge the three of us while we grew up, males challenged newly trained females. Rhysand let his mind drift toward the memories after that brutal right of passage. The camp leaders had been stunned when they discovered the three bastards had been the first to reach the summit. Protesting began immediately; many claimed Rhys had somehow broken free of what had bound his daemati abilities and used them to trick the other Illyrians into failing. The victors simply shrugged and suggested that anyone who wanted to challenge could step forward. The icy rage in their eyes was enough to keep even the strongest of challengers away, at least for a few years. Newly trained warriors still eyed Cassian, even though he carried the title of General.

Cassian noticed the distance in his brother's eyes, the rage that lurked there. "Where did you go?" he asked quietly from beside Rhys. The High Lord's eyes instantly softened.

"I was just thinking about how the three of us were challenged after the Right. Still are challenged regularly." His voice was clipped. Cassian nodded. Amongst the three of them, he faced the brunt of such challenges. Even as general of the Night Court legions, Illyrians would still try to barter and fight their way into his position. Rhys and his brothers had always made it very clear why Cassian was commander of the armies, but letters and bribes would still come from the most desperate Illyrian families.

"You know I don't mind the challenges. They give me some practice when no one else wants to spar," Cassian said with a wicked grin that didn't quite meet his eyes. He had plenty of sparring partners between Mor, Rhys, Azriel, Feyre, and Amren in her new fae form. Thoughts of Nesta were frequently on his mind, an emotional battle for even the strongest of warriors. Cassian did not need the extra challenges, but Illyrian culture was so important to him, and Illyrians do not back down from challenges.

"Form up!" Cassian roared at the females who stood idly in their new cohorts. They formed ranks within a matter of seconds and waited at attention for their next order. "Make camp!" At the command, the females broke apart into their cohorts again and set up tents and campfires for themselves. This was the first test of teamwork. Each team would find themselves working as a unit or as individuals.

The team of five, first cohort, set to pitching their tent first. Each member took a corner to hoist and the fifth worked to fix any canvas that was crooked.

Second cohort chose to make their fire first. Three females scrambled to gather wood while the other searched for something strike flames.

Third cohort was scrambling around like lost children. There was no direction to their actions, each female was doing her own thing.

Fourth cohort wasn't much better. They were arguing about who should take the lead, but no one actually started to work.

Fifth cohort was astonishing. By the time Rhys and Cassian has passed by their group, they had the exterior of the tent set, bunks perfectly made and a fire started. That small female who first spoke up in the Windhaven camp was checking the group's trunks, the other three working on building a latrine. The small female didn't even glance at two of the most powerful males in Prythian as Rhys and Cassian passed. The two shared a quick glance and continued to the base camp to discuss each group's successes and failures.

"I think we can agree that the third and fourth cohorts will be on chore duty this week," Cassian grumbled as they strode into the small office space behind the kitchen. Someone was cooking rabbit stew for the shared camp meal at the end of the day that made Rhys's mouth water. The scent reminded him of the rabbit stew his mother used to make after he and Cassian had been through a particularly challenging day in the camps. He tore his thoughts away from food and sat behind one of two desks. They were communal, to be used by any of his inner circle while they were here or by Tiria, the best recruit from last year's group and this year's lead trainer when Cassian, Rhys, or Azriel were busy elsewhere.

"Agreed. Something that can build teamwork. Maybe laundry for one and dishes for the other?"

"I'm sure we can figure out more than that for chores, but it's a good place to start." Cassian flopped down into the other office chair and tossed his feet onto the desk. "Fifth cohort will be one to watch."

Rhys let out a low whistle. "They worked together like the inner circle. No one without a purpose. It was highly impressive."

"I am anxious to see how they will fight together." Indeed, Rhys thought.

Cassian sighed pointedly. "Shall we introduce the instructors? I'm dying to see Melna rip someone apart like she did last year." Rhys chuckled quietly. Melna was one of the first first females to go through Bristling Pines. She was the most ferocious female Rhys had ever met in his life. Amren nearly ripped his throat out for the comment, but Melna had laid into her challengers like a mother bear. Those challengers did not usually walk away after a fight with the burly souther mountain. Even Cassian checked his swagger around her.

"Poor Aydren didn't know what hit her last year. Melna is more daunting than you in the training ring."

"Seems we'll have to test that theory later this year, brother," Cassian chuckled over his shoulder as he stepped back into the main room. Rhys stayed behind the desk. He pulled out the supply lists and started to check this year's costs.

When are you coming home? Feyre whispered into his mind. Rhys smiled at his mate's tone.

Missing me Feyre, darling? Rhys purred back. The process of recruitment and settling took about two weeks; one to get the females to the camp and another for them to settle into the routine of it.

"Of course I miss you," Feyre whispered into Rhys's ear. A wicked grin spread across his lips.

"Well hello, Feyre darling."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2020 ⏰

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