The shadow...

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( No one's pov )

After some time they explained mostly everything. " Once again what? " " Yeah you got no parents. Heck knows how you appeared. But you are a God. " She inhales and then says " So you are telling me that I am this so-called ' Cursed God ' cuz I can bring happiness and enjoy but just as much terror and death and I am unstable and no idiot until know knew where I was and so on? " " Kinda. " She hit them head in head " OUCH! " " What was that for?!?!? AND QUIT BEING A BABY HEROBRINE! " Entity hissed " SAY THANK YOU I DID NOT KILL YOU! Now excuse me I'll go to my son. " she said leaving the room going to Shadow. " She is scary. " " Yep. "

( Reader's pov )

I teleported to my baby Shadow. He is such a good boy. " MOMMY MOMMY! I BEAT UP A BEAR! " " WHAT?!?!? " " COME COME!!! " I followed him. I saw a bear knocked out on the ground the bunnies dancing around him " I was playing with my friends he came and I beat him up! " " Good job honey. No one is hurt, right? " " Except the bear, no. "

The bunnies came to me and Anabel asked " Miss (Y/n), can Shadow stay with us for a few days? " " I do not know honey...what did your mom say? " " Mom went away for a few days and the caretaker got eaten by the bear while she was walking to our place " I looked at Shadow " I DIDN'T KNOW THAT!!! " " What about you all come to my place? " " No. Mommy will be worried when she comes back " I looked at Shadow " No worries mama! Dragons my age already know how to defend themselves. " " * sigh * alright then. This will be your personal adventure " " YAY!!! THANK YOU, MAMA, I LOVE YOU! " He said hugging me. I hugged back. And he is right. He is a dragon. He is a strong boy. My strong boy.

Time skip

I was in the Nether. I was roaming around. I was still stressed about what they told me. I went to the lava who was as big as a sea. I put my clothes aside and got in. I rested my head on the edge and fell asleep. I saw a forest...and a big rock.

The wolf was on top of it. Howling. It got louder and louder and louder. I could feel a familiar presence at him but it was a bad one. I woke up in panic...what was that? I sighed and got up and put my clothes back on.

I went back through the portal to see it was night already... I went for a walk in the forest. I felt an urge to walk in some specific a call. I went after it faster and faster the closer I got the weaker I was. I stopped slowly and I passed out and I heard teleportation sounds...I passed out fully.

( Herobrine's pov )

I and Entity felt weird. Then we felt a known presence around one of our special places. (Y/n)...the place was swallowing her energy but she got on. We both teleported there and I caught her. She was weak. " How does she even know about this place...? " " She doesn't..." " Then why did she got closer and closer? " " I do not know either Entity...let's take her back. " I said getting her bride style in my hands " Alright. But...why was her power drained...we are like her this place gives us power... " " I do not know... " We walked back home. It was a big silence. Not awkward or tensions...but...dark and bad " Fu*k it " I teleported home.

I felt scared...I felt WATCHED this is the opposite of how I am supposed to feel. Entity soon came with teleportation too " What the fu*k man? " " I don't know... I felt someone watching us...deadly... " "...Me too... This is so strange " " You think? This is getting out of hand... We have to- " " No. " " What else can we do?!?!? It had been months! Yes, she did progress but we can not find the solution to all of this! We HAVE to get in touch with's for our safety... " " Alright then... "

( No one's pov )

Little did they know a shadow was watching from afar all of this. Someone that has been forgotten, someone looking for revenge, someone that will not stop until blood is split

"The New God" Herobrine x F!Reader x Entity 303[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now