2: Runaway

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How did they know my name?

Why are they talking like they've known me for a long time?

Clutching the thigh part of my pants, I slowly opened my eyes.

I blinked few times, which was quite hard because I had some morning glory in my heavy eyes.

It is already dawn, the purple and pink sky was beautifully emphasized by the peachy clouds.

We are inside a dim lighted car. I looked at myself. A large black wind breaker was draped across my curled body. It helped ease the coldness but my body is still stiff.

"Ales!" the one I was resting looked excited to see me awake.

He was tall and wavy haired. Either he has a baby face, or he was just very cheerful at the moment. He wears the same wind breaker as the one I used as a blanket.

On the passenger seat was the guy with mischievous voice. Hearing Baby Face acknowledge my consciousness, he looked back.

His gray-streaked jet black hair is shiny and arranged with hair gel.
His face is pale and slightly hollow, His eyeline is lined black which kind of avoided me from concluding that he hadn't slept for days. His face was shaved clean though I can see some gray parts of where beards and mustache should be. He's the evil kind of handsome.

Unlike Baby face, he doesn't looked concerned at all and looked at me like how people looked at their neighbors who they aren't in good terms with.

That saddened me somehow. I may not be the most friendly person in the class, but I love having everyone on my friends list.

Not that I require him to be nice to me or I expected everyone to be nice. But if that's how he like to play, then I'll play it that way, too.

Getting back to my senses, I quickly sat down. Searching my pockets, I grabbed a dong-a gel pens and aimed it like a sword at baby face.

"WOAH, WOAH, calm down there." Baby face raised his arms in surrender. He smiled at me and gestures to put the pen down

Eyeliner guy turned back again and witnessing what happens, he laughed.

"Need a hand back there, Mat?" shaking his head he turned forward again.

A pair of strong eyes observes me from the rearview mirror.

Baby face almost looked not guilty of anything and the familiar smile had somehow melted my heart. His genuinity became a threat to my self defense.

I kept my back on the window of the car and pointed the pen closer to him.

"Who are you? Where the hell am I?" I hated it when my voice shake.

"It's okay. It's okay. We're not gonna hurt you." he assured.

"And how is that sure? Huh?!"

"I'll tell you. Just..put that down and we'll explain in peace. You want that, right?"

That was tempting. I didn't like violence either so slowly, I put the pen down.

I looked at him, defensive and expectantly.

"Where do I start?" he said, inhaling.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Matt. That stink beside the driver is Enzo."

Enzo became busy with his laptop but he showed his pointer finger when he was introduced.

"And, the driver is-."

"Will." the driver introduced himself.

Seeing his eyes and hearing his voice at the same time made me dejavu.

There is something in my mind that felt ticklish. My heart fluttered too.

I've seen him somewhere. I must have seen them somewhere. Maybe in one of my dreams, but I couldn't just remember.

"What are you? Why am I here with you?" I asked

"Maybe now's not the right time to discuss history. When we get into the mansion-"

Just then, a gun fired and hit the back of the car.

I screamed and covered my ears.

down!" Will commanded.

Matt brought me down as Will sped up the car twice more.

"Slow them down, Enz."

Holding a gun, Enzo opened a portion of the car's roof and climbed.

Several gun shots were heard above. Then a car crashed behind us.

"WHAT IS HAPPENING? IS THAT POLICE?" I loudly asked them.

They didn't answer.

Matt looked back and then checked something at a phone-looking gadget.

"Looks like Jax sent half dozen to follow us."


Author's Note:

This chapter is yet to be finished :>

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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