Chapter 3

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Betsy and Chris are sitting on the chairs in the audience. Betsy with her head on Chris' chest and his arm around her.
'Wow! hes amazing'Said Mikey about Andreas rehearsal.
'Only The Young' said Louis
'Gotta go babe' whispered Betsy to Chris
'Smashed it babe' Said Chris
'STEREO KICKS' shouted Louis
Stereo Kicks get half way through the song and its Chris' solo. Chris looks at Betsy and smiles. Then the music goes off
'CHRIS!' Shouts James
'What?' says Chris confusedly
'You forgot to sing!' Snaps Reece
'Oh erm sorry'
'From the top' says a Bryan (choreographer)
Stereo Kicks sing and its Chris' solo.Chris starts signing but then stops.
'Dude, whats wrong?' Asks Charlie
'I forgot the words'
'Chris if you do this on the night you and the boys will be in trouble' says Louis
'Chris you better get it together man' says Casey
'I will, i will'

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