Chapter 3: Praying The Gay Away

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The stunningly stunning, absolute unit of a sex bombshell that is Nicole Candace Meerkat has entered the Viscom room. I cant help but awkwardly ogle at this magnetic force of a woman. What a fine specimen she is! What a fine girl!

My absolute unit of a micropenis quickly jerks upward in my tight little school pants, excited for a new potential candidate.
"Boy do i have news for you buddy..." i quietly say to my pathetic penis, "we have no chance with this gorgeous gorgeous GORGEOUS girl... a microscopic penis and a subpar looking asian boy dont mix very well with HAWT looking girls like her."
"But we were in a relationship with Emily???" My micropenis speaks back to me in the highest possible pitched voice.
"That was a complete fluke, pal." I reply back to my micropenis, "and we never got to even see those phat pussy lips of hers..." My molecular penis went silent, and so did i.

I continue to gawk at her, my tiny (but not as tiny as my micropenis) ching chong eyes wide open, my jaw to the floor, and my mouth drooling valuable saliva unbeknownst to me.

My awfully painful look catches her attention. She looks at me. I die a little inside. Maybe she'll sit with me?! Maybe she'll even talk to me?! It was already a complete honour to be in the same room as her, hell, even in the same planet as this mighty fine woman! I hope and pray to Big Kev that this absolute WOMAN sits by my side. I dont know what will happen after if that works, i never plan for any girls to like me back; it is a rarer occurence than my micropenis, but i guess i'll get to that sexy bridge when i cross it.

My hopes grow bigger and bigger while my penis shrinks smaller and smaller, as The Prettiest Woman Of All Time walks towards me.
"MAYBE THIS IS IT?" I eagerly think to myself, "MAYBE THIS IS MY LUCKY YEAR AFTER ALL!!!"

The beautiful Nicole walks towards me, gives me a questionable stare, and walks away, sitting next to the carpet munching Lucia.

Fuck. I should have known. It was too good to be true. Ah god, Ah god, why hast thou forsaken me? I angrily stare at Lucia. The bitch. How dare she take my miniscule chances at love away from me?! The lesbian cunt wants her all for herself! Well I definitely wont be taking shit from a femoid faggot like her! I must do something, and do it fast. Faster than i can wank, which will be hard to beat...

With my ching chong ling long hacking skills, i use my 2014 iPad Air 2 to hack into the Bethlehem College mainframe.
"I'm in!" I whisper to myself.
"I'm not..." my micropenis whispered back. I ignore the insult and move on.

I expertly hack into special school files and change all of Lucia's classes.
"Have fun taking 6 religion classes you dumb bitch!" I think to myself. I also hinted at her raging lesbianism in her profile. The school will be happy with that!

And with that, The Broadbent came barging into the class, shattering the glass door into tiny shards of pitiful glass, while simultaneously doing the "L". He came to a complete stop in front of Lucia and told her to come with him in a very urgent and bitter tone, all while doing the "L". At last, the the big gay is away, and my chances at love with my one true woman Nicole are revived once more.

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