Chapter 29

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Author's Notes

In chapter 28 Olivia mentions Love Story that movie came out in 1970.

In Chapter 28 Noah is read to. The book is The Little Engine That Could, I fixed the title in that chapter too.

Olivia had a meeting with Barba but there was someone she had to see first, she got up from her desk, and ran out of her office. "Rollins, Carisi, Fin, Lake, If anyone calls I'll be back soon." She said as she exited the squad room. Within moments she was out of the building being hit by cold rain.

Within 10 minutes she was standing in front of a house, ringing a doorbell. "Lieutenant Benson. Come in."

"Mrs.. Glen Thank-you for seeing me."

"Thank-you for talking to that girl and not arresting my son." Olivia stepped into the house, and out of the rain. "Follow me please", Mrs. Glen continued. She led Olivia to a large all white kitchen with the most up-to-date appliances. In the middle of the room was a round table, Mrs. Glen gestured for Olivia to sit, and she did. "Can I get you something?"

"No thank-you", Olivia answered watching as Mrs. Glen sat across from her.

"I'm a little relieved to hear you say that, I have no idea how to get around this kitchen. I gave my housekeeper the day off, I didn't want her to hear us talking. I'm not sorry for defending my son, I know him, and he is no rapist, but I am sorry about the way I came at you. I never should have done that. I wanted to punch something that day."

"I noticed", Olivia said giving the women a smile. "You were upset, I understand that, you calmed down, and no one got hurt."

"So all is forgiven?" Victoria Glen replied surprised. Olivia nodded.

"I know you love your son," Olivia continued softly. "That's why I'm here."

"Let me guess, you found out that my husband and I cut our son off, and we're not talking to him?"

"I heard. Do you think that's the best way to go? Olivia asked compassionately.

"I won't talk to him if he marries her, if he comes to his senses then we'll talk. You think my husband and I are being harsh. That girl almost ruined him, we're just practicing tough love. This time she almost ruined him, if he marries her, she will.""

"I don't know exactly what you're going through, but I do know this is a difficult situation. I also know that you were right, your son didn't rape Nicole. He was trying to help her, he still is."

"You can't approve of the little plan they came up with." Mrs. Glen replied.

"I don't, believe me. I lost a lot of sleep over it, but you raised a son willing to help the women he loves,"

"She's having a baby girl, and my son wants to raise it, as his own."

"You should be proud, that you and your husband raised the kind of man who wants to step up and be a father to someone who needs one."

"My son is not a man yet, he would be, but my husband and I sheltered him too much. This baby that this girl is carrying is not his."

"Mrs. Glen." Olivia said, before the woman put up a hand to interrupt her.

"Call me Victoria please."

"Call me Olivia." Victoria smiled, and Olivia spoke again. "Victoria, the man who impregnated Nicole is not a father, This little baby, can be Victor's, if he wants her to be."

"He's not prepared to be a father."

"I don't think Nicole is ready to be a mother. She didn't ask for this, she's hurting and she went to the man she loves for help, and he's doing the right thing. You said he's not a man yet, but he's trying. You think now is the time for you to turn your back on him? He is going to marry her. As far as he's concerned the baby Nicole is carrying is his. I'm not saying you should financially support him forever, I think he needs to stand on his own feet, but do you really want to loose your son over this situation. He needs you now, probably more than ever. Don't shelter him, teach him."

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