It's all true

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I spent another few days in my room before going back to the tunnel.

My parents didn't say nothing to me about the first time I left, but they started comparing me to Bryant and Chanel and saying how I wasn't like them, all respectful and calmed. I just wanted to tell them that they were always so calmed because they were making out and maybe doing some other stuff all day in his room. But I didn't really care about what they thought.

So, after a few days, I went back. It took me less time to find the tunnel since I already knew the way. This time I was walking until the end. Maybe I would find out where the goo came from.

After about 5 minutes, I found the goo still in the same place, but it had even more gray spots and it smelled even worse, like it was rotting.

I tried not stepping on it again as I jumped over. My gaging reflexes came back, so I kept walking, lighting the floor because I was sure there was more where that one came from.

After a while, tunnel seemed endless, as I felt like I walked for like 15 minutes and still, there was nothing.

There was no more goo and I felt like I was going to finish on a dead end. Both at the tunnel and in my investigation.

But I got some hope when I squinted my eyes as I had seen a light. It was small, but it probably meant I was close to the end. The light became bigger and bigger as I ran, and finally, I reached it.

As soon as my eyes saw what was at the end of the light, I started to question everything. I doubted myself and everything I had seen.

I was going crazy... I was starting to have hallucinations...

In front of my eyes, I had a giant metal ship. But not a water ship. Like some sort of spaceship. My heart filled with excitement and fear as I had a foreign giant ship stranded in the middle of nowhere on an underground tunnel, only I knew about.

I almost dropped my camera trying to turn it on. But again, the same as the goo, it wasn't seen on the camera.

I just wanted to scream my lungs out in desperation. I probably stood there for about 10 minutes, trying to calm down.

Since I couldn't do nothing about the camera, something started telling me to touch it, so I could be sure it was real. I took a few steps forward and stretched my hand. With my index finger, I touched it and flinched, covering my face, as if something might happen.

"Really Sean? Really? What the hell could've happened? Explode into a million pieces? Jeez." I told myself. "Great, now I'm talking to myself. I'm definitely going crazy."

I stretched my finger and touched it again. Since nothing really happened, I placed my hand. It felt cold to the touch like any other metal object, so I walked around it to have a better look. It looked like a metal plane, just as huge, but without the wings, tail or windows. Just the body and the nose. And the weird thing was, there was no door. There was no way to get in, and it was so big it took me about 5 minutes to circle.

But after that day, I kept going.

Every afternoon, I'd find the hole to the tunnel and walk the 20 minutes to find the ship. I either investigated the surroundings or simply sat and stared at it, thinking who it could've belonged to.

I probably did it until Mr. Warren died 1 year after because of old age. I felt guilty for not being there for the man that took us in when we had no one else.

Mrs. Warren died a week after because of her suffering and we buried them together in the backyard.

It was just me, my parents, Bryant and Chanel. Until two years after, when we started noticing Chanel was gaining weight, and it wasn't because of the food. I suspected for a while, because she was always tired and hungrier than we usually were.

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