The Fox's Wedding: Chapter One

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May 18th

Again today, another melancholic day passes by. It's all the same to me, staring at these huge walls around the town. Someday I just wish to see the outskirts, what lies beyond couldn't be so dangerous, right?
From my usual sitting spot, I stand up and stretch my back, sighing.

A life of constantly getting pampered and protected by your parents may sound like paradise, but if I were being honest, it's not as great as you'd expect. Though I'm not complaining about my parents' love for me, of course I'm very grateful but with my status, nothing seems to go my way. It's more of just "will father approve of this?" or "what will mother think?", those kinds of things.

I began to walk back home, the center of this castle town. In the heart of this town is where my home lies in all its grand glory. Yeah, that's my house alright.

In front of the gates stand the guards, which I sneak by with ease. Seriously, if our defenses are so 'great and mighty,' yet I can sneak by like a breeze, you'd think we'd have to turn it up a notch, right? That's what I think, at least.
Following my usual path, I end up at the backdoor of my home. Pushing the door open, I stepped in quietly. I giggled to myself, "Infiltration successful!"

"Ms. Mai!"

I let out a squeak of surprise, slowly turning to face who had called out my name, "Yeees~?"

"What in God's name are you doing here? The master will be very upset if he sees you! Please return to your room!"

I sigh, fully facing the servant who was lecturing me. I apologize to her, scurrying back to my room. I push the sliding door open.

Mai Shishikusa. That's my name. I'm a princess of sorts, born to the wife of the current head of the Shishikusa clan. My father is basically like the ruler of this town, along with his wife, my mother, and the other city officials that work alongside him. Everyone, and I mean everyone, must bow their heads to this man.
Not a soul dares to lift their heads to any current member of my family. We're highly respected due to our status, having protected this town for generations.

I sat down, my legs straddled on the floor. I took a glance at the hand mirror sitting across from me on the table.

Born in such a household of rich among an impoverished nation sounds great and all, but I said it before and I'll repeat myself, it's not as great as you'd think. Having my parents make all my choice for me, tell me how I should and shouldn't dress, having them spoil me rotten, it all gets old after a while. Don't get me wrong, I'm still very thankful for my parents and their will to risk and spend so much for me.

Maybe there really is no escape to this life... this overprotective lifestyle might end up driving me nuts. I just wish for something to disturb it, even something small. Anything, really.
Maybe there is nothing...

A loud knocking on my door broke the deep silence of my room, pulling me from my thoughts.
"Ms. Mai? Breakfast is about to be served."
"Ah. Alright, I'll be on my way in a minute!"
I stood up, picking up the hand mirror and adjusting loose strands of my brown hair.

I couldn't face my parents looking like I had just woken up. They'd lecture me to no end if I did. My parents hate it when I dress sloppily, even if it's just a home. Since I'm a Shishikusa, it's always expected of me to dress neatly like the rest.
I throw on my signature Shishikusa kimono and push the sliding door back open.

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