12 | Campfire

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12 | Campfire


"To this day, he searches these woods for his next victim. He could be watching us now. Salivating as he anticipates tearing into his next living, breathing meal with his razor-sharp teeth and claws."

I rolled my eyes as Ian finished his scary story with bared teeth and wiggling fingers. Beside me, Reyna gave her brother a slow, hesitant clap of her hands as she chuckled nervously. It surprised me that she thought it was scary at all because it was just lame to me.

Megan was the one truly afraid. She was in tears and had her arms around Wesley's neck, strangling him for protection.

My parents were glaring at Ian for being insensitive to his younger audience, but they were the ones who gave into my sister's pleas of staying awake for the stories.

So much for being old enough to handle it.

"Your turn, Black!" Ian grinned at him from across the flames, the shadows creating a sinister feel to the curve of his mouth.

Meg screeched and buried her face in Wesley's neck.

"Um," Wes cleared his throat, discreetly attempting to loosen her grip on him, "I think I'll pass. You did such a good job scaring...everyone...I don't think I could compete with you."

"Aww, come on," Ian goaded, "It's not a competition."

"If it were, you would undoubtedly beat me."

Ian chuckled, "That's true, but—"

"I think we can all agree," my mom chimed in and went over to relieve Wesley of the monkey cutting off his air supply.

Ian's smile dropped into a frown as he looked at each of our expressions. The realization made him sheepish and he asked, "Was it that bad?"

We all confirmed it with nods and mumbled forms of 'yes,' so he slumped back in his chair.

"Sorry. I guess I got a little too into it. You ok, munchkin?"

Meg huffed, gaining some courage as she held onto our mom's hand, "I'm fine! If anyone is going to be eaten by a monster, it'll be you! You-you big meanie!"

"You're right," he was quick to agree. "I would deserve it too. And you're safe! You would be the last one he would go for because you're so small."

She gasped and he closed his eyes, his blabbering mistake occurring to him too late.

"Are you ok, hun?" His mom asked him as mine took Meg to bed.

"Yeah," he stood up and I almost missed his glance in my direction. "I'm just tired. It's been a long couple of days."

"Well, go get some sleep."

He said good night to everyone and I tilted my head as I watched him step into his tent. Even after he zipped it shut, I continued to stare and reflect on his behavior throughout the evening.

Ian was unusually quiet and distracted, but I tried not to jump to conclusions that I was the reason. If I wasn't struggling with my own thoughts about us or afraid of making it worse, I would have gone to check on him.

"If you ask me," Reyna whispered in my ear, "he's jealous of your date tomorrow."

"I don't recall asking you, Skit," I said, even though she voiced my own assumption. "And it's not a date."

"Not-date then," she winked, "but we know how those turn out."

I tossed my lap blanket over her head, letting out a laugh as she flailed around underneath it. It served her right, but I loved her enough to help her come out for air when she got tangled up in it.

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