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"Today started pretty alright, but I was so, worried and absent minded about almost everything..

I walked through the hallway down to my locker and then.. Guess what? It was Pete looking so charming walking towards me. And then he said.
"Hey jul's watsup?

'Jul's? Seriously Pete?

"Yeah thought it was a sweet abrrevation for your sweet name'..

"Oh! Thanks, am going to class. Bye"!

"Ok jul's bye!.

As I walked to class I was so happy the bell rang! I just couldn't stand him!. Can you believe that? Calling me ju'
l's??.. God!...

Look!! Shook me like I saw a snake... As if my day couldn't get any worse!.. It was Julian! My worst nightmare. . A bully since we were little.. .

"Julie!! You look, You know the usual, you look like you just got out of prison!. No I mean your house' "giggle..

Oh, thanks julian, thank you..

"Oh you so welcome hippy' she laughed...

And after saying all of that and making everyone around laugh at me, she walked away with her nerdy friends doing their jobs, carrying her bag and books and running after her like little chickens.!

Sometimes I wish the insults I think about and say in my mind, I just wish i could say them out loud. i just wish I had the boldness to....

I then headed for the libary.. although i knew i wouldn't focus because i still had the dream in my mind.. I thought about it again, till ella walked up to me and sat with me..
The look on her face was questioning because, I'm very sure I wore a moody look too..
"Girl what's wrong? You look pale and sad, you've been like this since you told me about the dream you had..

"You know ella? I just keep having this feeling the am been lied to by my parent's...

"Why would they lie to you Julie? They love you too much to hurt you..

"Oh ella, am so confused, I said as I began to sob ..
she got up standing and wrapped her arms around me.. I felt ok , but still I wasn't at rest with my thoughts..

We parted ways and I wasn't In the mood for home at all, so I just strolled along the streets.. My Mind was clouded with thoughts! Thoughts!.. What if? What if? Was all I could think about. And then a car horn threatened my thoughts!. The driver yelled angrily at me.. "Get of damn road!.. I then headed back home..

I got to the door, took a deep breath, and then opened the door. The living room was so quiet, as if no one was around. I looked around and the headed upstairs to my room. I dropped my bag, took off my shoes and landed on the bed, slowly drifted to sleep..

Again I had the dream, this time the poor woman was crying. I woke up with tears in my eye's.. I wiped my eyes, and got up.. It was 8am now,but luckily for me it was weekend and I wouldn't have to go to school, but I had the intention of going over to pete's...

I came down and there they were all with questioning looks on their face's. Mom was the first to say something.. Recently all she does is question almost all my moods..

"Sweetheart, I was at your room last night, you were fast asleep and missed dinner..

"I'm sorry, I was so tired mom...

And then, Helen just had to make a joke out of what I said...

"Ya ma. She's tired like a pregnant old lady...

Chris brust out laughing so hard, making me feel so embarrassed. I just angrily walked out on them, straight to my room...

I could hear mom say, they were good for nothing..

"You two are good for nothing, so silly. God help you both..

Thank you guys so much for reading
. just few day's from now I'll continue!!! Yayyy... PS:complements of the season 😍🤗❤.. Thank you!! 😘

I'm so sorry it took this long. 😘😘😘
I've been lazy😪😪..
PS:Happy New Year!!!! 😘😘😘❤😍


That wasn't my present worry, they could laugh all they wanted but it wasn't my concern. I walked into the bathroom, sat in the tub and had a rethink about my dream...
Why was she crying? Was she fine? Was she sad? I had these thoughts till tears dropped from my eyes. Why don't they just tell me who I was, were I came from, who my real parents were and where they were. Why did I keep having this feeling and dreams about this poor woman and that she was my mother?
I just put my thoughts to rest and allowed the cold water flow through my body. It felt good..

When I came downstairs , they had all left. Great! I didn't have to be laughed at or questioned by mom.. I headed straight for pete's house, of course I had faith he would know something, anything at least..

When I got There, I nervously touched the doorbell and it was pete's voice that responded..

Who's there?

"Its m....


He recognized my voice I blushed..

"Yeah its me...

He opened the door and stared surprisingly at me...

"What are you doing here?come on in.

"Came to see you, is it bad to come say hi?

"No not all, please have a sit..

"Thank You..

"So what can I offer you?

"Anything would do. He left for the kitchen..
It seems you home alone like me..

"Yeah my parents just left before you came in.. Here you go..

"Oh thank you, wow apple juice..

"Yeah You said anything would do..

"Of course thank you I love it..

"Yeah I'm glad you do..
so what brings you here?

"I was expecting you'd say that, after your experience the last time at my place.. Look Pete, I'm so sorry I acted that way, I did not want anything we would both regret to happen...

"I get it jul's, you're decent and I really respect that about you, but just so you know, I have feelings for you, I don't want to keep pretending jul's, I'd love to have a blissful family with you someday, that's if you'd give me the chance to..

Honestly, Pete, I feel the same way about you too, but this isn't the time for all that, and I'm so happy you understand..

Still Typing 😘.. Now they've both expressed their feelings for each other. Hmmm..let's wait to see if Pete knows anything

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